WOSonOS in Manila
[UPDATE: 26 January 2017]
The final conference proceedings is now available! You may view and download it here.
SEAMEO INNOTECH successfully hosted the 24th World Open Space on Open Space, 10-12 November 2016 in Manila, Philippines. Around 100 teachers, facilitators, artists, and open space enthusiasts from all over the world attended the first ever WOSonOS conference held in the Philippines.
Harrison Owen, though not able to come to the Philippines due to health issues, greeted the participants through a video call during the conference’s opening session. He imparted strong message to the participants, saying that they are currently experiencing a world that is full of surprises. “Things we thought would happen did not happen,” he said. “OST (Open Space Technology) would be an opportunity to give people a chance to see something different and new.” He added.
Almost 100 topics were generated throughout the 3-day conference. From spirituality, healing, open space for the body, to feminism, political issues, work-life balance, facilitation method, and open space at work, participants presented a wide range of topics that they are passionate about. Discussion topics were overflowing that organizers decided to add another session on the last day.
Along with the conversations happening in Manila, some open space enthusiasts also participated in the event through the Virtual Open Space on Open Space (VOSonOS) on Qiqo Chat. They held and organized their own conversations virtually while Manila is asleep.
Participants had different thoughts and reflections on the 3-day conference. Some considered it as a personal experience – where open space helped them discover and rediscover themselves and open their eyes and minds to the changes in the world. While some committed to practice OST in their respective works as they have seen it as an exciting way of engaging their stakeholders.
The host of next year’s WOSonOS is yet to be decided.
World Open Space on Open Space is the annual worldwide gathering of enthusiasts, practitioners, and all those interested in Open Space Technology (OST). This year’s conference was hosted by SEAMEO INNOTECH, co-organized by the Civil Service Commission, Philippine Society for Training and Development, Organization Development Professionals Network, and Saidi Graduate School of Organization Development, and sponsored by Neuland, Qiqo Chat, Open Space Institute USA, and Pushpin Visual Solutions.
You can view the session documentations through https://goo.gl/3NDZAS