SEAMEO INNOTECH’s Solutions Development Unit, which organized the Weaving Identities photo contest on “Building a Shared Southeast Asian Identity,” is pleased to announce the winners of the contest in the three categories.
For the Culture category, Gerard Goh from Singapore won first place with his entry “Preserve Our Roots.” Mar Lar Winn from Myanmar won third place for her entry “Lighting Together.”
For the Economics category, Filipino Phoebelyn Gullunan got the first prize for the photo titled “Capturing Grannie’s Happy Moments,” while Maung Ni Oo of Myanmar got the second prize for the photo “Looking for Food.” The third prize went to Pharawee Wibul of Thailand for the entry “Once at Sirikit Oilfield.”
Maung Ni Oo managed to win again and grab the first place under the Politics category for the photo entry “Democracy Icon of Myanmar.” Dave Leprozo, Jr. from the Philippines bagged second place for his entry “Exercising the Right of Suffrage,” while Luh Putu Eka Yani from Indonesia was awarded the third place for the photo “STT as an Organization to Learn Politics.”
Culture Category, First Place “Preserve our Roots” Photo by Gerard Goh, Singapore
Economics Category, First Place “Capturing Grannie’s Happy Moments” Photo by Phoebelyn Gullanan
Politics Category, First Place “Democracy Icon of Myanmar” Photo by Maung Ni O
SEAMEO INNOTECH received more than 600 entries for the culture, economics and politics categories. Entries came from nine countries in Southeast Asia including Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. The photo contest, which sought photos that best depicted the ideals underlying the three pillars of ASEAN Vision 2015—socio-cultural community, economic community, and political-security community—was opened to the public in January this year and closed on June 15.
The photo contest was launched to expand the Weaving Identities project of SEAMEO INNOTECH by enjoining photographers from within and outside Southeast Asia to contribute in building up the teaching and learning resources found in the project website, and, at the same time, promote awareness of a shared Southeast Asian identity.
The Weaving Identities: A Teacher Toolkit towards a Southeast Asian Community is a compendium of learning resources from various institutions aimed at helping develop in learners and teachers the core value of Southeast Asian-ness (shared Southeast Asian heritage) as well as respect for the diversity of the region. This initiative also supports the ASEAN Vision 2015 of an integrated ASEAN community that has durable peace, stability, and shared prosperity.
The photos received from the contest will be included as resource materials in the Weaving Identities Teacher Toolkit. For more details about the winning photos, you may visit the Weaving Identities website.