Upcoming INNOTECH Flexible Learning Programs for Teachers and School Heads
Teachers and School Heads need to continuously improve their capacities and skills to adapt to the current education landscape. INNOTECH believes that by preparing and capacitating teachers and school heads, we can provide a better future for every learner.
On 30 September 2021, INNOTECH will offer 8 of its courses through partnerships with the Regional Offices of the Philippine Department of Education (DepEd). Teachers and School Heads who will not be part of the regional implementations may also enroll on their own accord by pre-registering through the links provided below. The courses offered are accredited by the National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) and by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). Most of the courses also have equivalent academic units in the Graduate Program of our partner universities and colleges. Check out these courses below.
GURO21 Course 1: Facilitating the Development of 21st Century Skills for Southeast Asian Teachers
Course fee: Php 6,000 Pre-register: https://bit.ly/GC1enroll
This course focuses on competencies essential for teachers in the 21st century. Teachers will gain knowledge on new learning perspectives in the light of the changes and challenges in the 21st century. The course also promotes the professional and personal readiness of teachers so that, in turn, they would be able to help their students become 21st century-ready, too.
GURO 21 Course 2: Developing Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)
Course fee: Php 6,500 Pre-register: https://bit.ly/GC2enroll
This course aims to equip school teachers with the competencies needed for them to apply many of the thinking tools in their own lives as teachers. It also purports to prepare teachers well to teach these skills to their students by creating thinking classrooms that utilize higher order thinking skills.
Course fee: Php 10,000 Pre-register: https://bit.ly/TEACHenroll
This course addresses the need to develop and strengthen school heads’ capacity to manage the teaching and learning processes in the school.
Course fee: Php 15,000 Pre-register: https://bit.ly/SUPERenroll
Addresses the need to develop and strengthen the school heads’ capacity for developmental, differentiated, and clinical supervision
Course fee: Php 10,000 Pre-register: https://bit.ly/HEALTHenroll
This two-module course aims to build the capacity of school heads and leaders to improve their school as a healthy setting conducive to learning for its students, faculty, staff, and its immediate community by effectively managing and implementing school based health programs.
Course fee: Php 10,000 Pre-register: https://bit.ly/LEADenroll
Intends to equip school heads and administrators with the competencies needed in performing their roles in school disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM). The course also enables the school heads and administrators to apply the concepts learned to ensure that student learning continues during and after a disaster.
Course fee: Php 10,000 Pre-register: https://bit.ly/PEACEenroll
A short course package for elementary and secondary school administrators on promoting and exercising a culture of peace and respect for cultural diversity.
Strategic Thinking and Innovation (STI): Course 1 – Essentials of Strategic Thinking and Innovation
Course fee: Php 10,000 Pre-register: https://bit.ly/STIC1enroll
The course provides educators an overview of strategic thinking and innovation. It highlights the need for the competency, reframes the learner’s understanding of its related concepts within the context of education, and brings the learner to reflect on the competencies of strategic thinking and innovation.
At the moment, these courses are also being implemented through a partnership with the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR). A total of 189 participants are currently enrolled in GURO21 Course 1 and 2, HEALTHeXCELS, LEADeXCELS, SUPEReXCELS, and TEACHeXCELS. The programs for CAR is expected to conclude in November 2021.
You can check out our Learning Programs page to know more about the online courses and training programs we offer. For more inquiries about the INNOTECH learning programs, you may send an email to coursemanager@seameo-innotech.org.