Strengthening ICT Support in Bangladesh Schools
Twenty-seven ICT Teachers from Bangladesh participated in the first batch of SEAMEO INNOTECH Training Program for Strengthening ICT Support in Bangladesh Schools. The program, held from 16 to 29 April 2018, was especially designed for selected ICT teachers in Bangladesh in recognition of their critical roles in the overall effort to integrate ICT in the teaching and learning processes in the schools. This is one step toward achieving the Digital Bangladesh 2021 vision.
Translating said vision in the education sector places the ICT teacher as central, not only in teaching digital literacy to the students, but also in mentoring and guiding co-teachers and school staff in the use of computer, internet, and other technology-aided solutions needed in the school. They are also in-charge of maintaining the ICT Learning Centers (ILC)—a repository of digital or e-learning materials in the school.
This training program allowed the participants to revisit their own capabilities as ICT teachers, develop their ICT-mediated strategies for teaching and learning, and design individual lesson plans using various ICT tools. School visits were also organized for the participants to benchmark best practices.
This Training Program for Strengthening ICT Support in Bangladesh Schools was organized by SEAMEO INNOTECH under the sponsorship of the Bangladesh Ministry of Education’s Secondary Education Sector Investment Program (SESIP).