SEAMEO INNOTECH facilitates 1-day Edmodo training for teachers
In celebration of the National Teachers’ Month, SEAMEO INNOTECH, in partnership with Edmodo, facilitated a one-day free training workshop on the use of Edmodo in the classroom. The workshop held on 21 September 2018 at SEAMEO INNOTECH was participated by a total of 40 individuals, consisting of public school teachers and SEAMEO INNTOECH staff. It was facilitated by Ms. Dae Habalo, an Edmodo Support Ambassador and Edmodo Certified Trainer from Negros Oriental.
Edmodo is a global social learning network for teachers and students. It is an online platform designed for teachers and students to communicate and collaborate in a safe environment. Through the platform, students can take their quizzes, tests, discussions, and assignments online—all created, graded and monitored by their teacher.
Through the one-day training workshop, the 24 invited teachers and 16 SEAMEO INNOTECH staff were introduced on how Edmodo can aid and further enhance the teaching-learning process inside the classroom. In this digital age, it is important for teachers to learn how to integrate and maximize the use of technology in their classroom instruction. It is important to continue the student’s learning even outside the classroom; this is where a virtual classroom like Edmodo comes in handy. The platform would allow the learners to continue their discussions among themselves, while being well aware and responsible of their online attitudes.
Twenty-first century teachers are also expected to be more collaborative and be contributors to the growing body of knowledge in the field of education. Aside from Edmodo’s classroom features, the platform also allows teachers to collaborate with their co-teachers and networks through the use of Edmodo Groups. Edmodo also encourages teachers to share their resources, like lesson plans, quizzes, and good practices, through the use of Edmodo Spotlight.
This one-day training may be brief, but this is just the start. We hope that, along with Edmodo and other useful online platforms, teachers will continue to maximize the use of mobile technologies in their teaching practices.
Know more on how you can use social media platforms for student learning and professional development through SEAMEO INNOTECH’s Mobile Technology for Teachers.