SEAMEO high officials approve competency framework for teachers
The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) held its 40th SEAMEO High Officials Meeting (HOM) in Bangkok, Thailand from 28 to 30 November 2017. Through this annual meeting attended by high-level education officials from the 11 SEAMEO member countries, as well as representatives from the different SEAMEO Regional Centers and partner development organizations, the Competency Framework for Teachers in Southeast Asia has been approved.
SEAMEO has prioritized revitalizing teacher education as one of its priority agenda from 2015-2035, hoping for teaching to become a profession of first choice in the region. Competency Framework for Teachers in Southeast Asia (SEA-CFT) is a project spearheaded by the Teacher Council of Thailand (TCT), in partnership with SEAMEO Secretariat (SEAMES) and SEAMEO INNOTECH, in support to achieve the goal. The said competency framework is a unique and culturally-sensitive reference document that would complement the existing teacher standards of the different countries in the region.
SEA-CFT consists of four essential competencies: (1) knowing and understanding what to teach, (2) helping students learn, (3) engaging the community, and (4) becoming a better teacher every day. Additionally, the essential competencies consist of 12 general competencies, 31 enabling competencies, and 136 success descriptors. The framework serves as a helpful guide in improving the performance of teachers; the competencies are expected to be interpreted on local context and specific needs.
SEAMEO INNOTECH previously developed similar frameworks as a basis for designing its regional capacity building programs. The regional competency framework for Teachers and School Heads are available on INNOTECH’s website.