SEAMEO and GIZ sign note verbale for regional school health program
Photo credit to the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Bangkok
On 17 February 2016 at the German Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand, SEAMEO and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) signed a note verbale to formalize their partnership for the next phase of the regional school health program, Fit for School. The note verbale was signed by Dr. Gatot Hari Priowirjanto, Director of SEAMEO Secretariat, and by H.E. Mr. Peter Prügel, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Thailand. Mr. Bennet Benoza, Manager of SEAMEO INNOTECH Knowledge Management and Networking Office, and Ms. Nicole Siegmund, Principal Advisor of the Regional Fit for School Program, were also present to witness the ceremonial signing.
The Fit for School program, jointly conducted by GIZ and SEAMEO INNOTECH, originated in the Philippines and is currently being implemented in Cambodia, Indonesia, and Lao PDR. The program aims to support the Ministries of Education in their efforts to develop schools as healthy and enabling learning environments for children. The second phase of the program now focuses on supporting government partners in systematically and sustainably scaling up water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) in schools.
Know more about the Fit for School Program at www.fitforschool.international.