
IMPACT Guidebook

One of the country’s long running and effective alternative delivery modalities is the Instructional Management by Parents, Community and Teachers (IMPACT) learning system conceived more than 30 years ago by SEAMEO INNOTECH with support from IDRC (International Development Research Centre), Canada. From its inception, IMPACT pioneered the use of non-traditional delivery strategies such as programmed instruction, peer learning, self-directed learning and the transformation of the teacher into a learning manager and facilitator. Many of these strategies, which promote active learning by students as well as engaging parents and community stakeholders as educational partners, are now recognized as examples of pedagogical best practice of 21st century learning.


Over the year, IMPACT has evolved and its geographical reach slowly expanded. It has been externally evaluated on several occasions by independent evaluators and was consistently found to be a responsive, effective, and cost-effective modality for delivering accessible and high quality elementary education. As part of the present education reform agenda of the Philippine government, the DepEd is keen to scale up proven alternative delivery modalities, such as IMPACT, on a nation-wide basis.


In support of this scaling-up process, SEAMEO INNOTECH has developed this comprehensive IMPACT Guidebook as a resource for DepEd education officials, school administrators, teachers, parents, and community stakeholders tasked with implementing the IMPACT learning system. The Guidebook will also serve as important resource material for DepEd officials tasked with training others on how to go about implementing the IMPACT learning system.


For school communities at the onset of accepting the IMPACT system in their respective schools, this Guidebook is a handy resource tool to assist them in their endeavor to successfully implement IMPACT. The Guidebook comprising nine (9) sections, offers its readers a systematic explanation of the design principles, delivery strategies, and implementing guidelines of the IMPACT system. Its step-by-step procedural guidelines on how to make IMPACT operational and sustainable at the school level focus on information and explanations that can be understood by school heads, teachers, parents and community members. The supporting video presentations, power point slides and other advocacy materials will also help parents and key stakeholders visualize this learning system and understand their key roles in supporting and participating in this noble effort. Sample training designs with training materials are also provided for easy reference of IMPACT trainers.


Each section of the Guidebook is loaded with clear and valuable information on how the IMPACT system could contribute in reducing or eliminating school drop outs among basic education students and in improving their learning outcomes.

Other Resources
  • School Case Studies on Promoting Digital Citizenship Competencies Among Selected Southeast Asian Ministries of Education (MOE)
  • Inquiry-Based Teaching and Learning in Early Childhood Education Research Brief (Bahasa Indonesia)
  • MT4T Brochure (Bahasa Indonesia)
  • State of Tech Voc High Schools in the Philippines
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IMPACT Guidebook

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