
HEALTHeXCELS Module 1: Champion Health Management In School

SEAMEO INNOTECH, in partnership with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, has developed this flexible learning course, Health Management Excellence For School Heads of Southeast Asia or HEALTHeXCELS, in response to the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals highlighting priority areas like child health and hygiene, education, water and sanitation. It is specifically designed for school heads like you, who are interested in improving their school as a healthy setting conducive to learning for its students, faculty, staff, and its immediate community, by effectively managing and implementing school-based health programs.


This course consists of two self-instructional modules. Module 1 is titled Champion Health Management In School while Module 2 is titled Manage School Health Programs. Going through the two modules will equip you with the necessary competencies for creating a healthy environment in your school that would enable your students to learn.


The aim of this first module is to help you appreciate why health management is important for you as a school head. It will familiarize you with important concepts, frameworks and approaches in school health program management that will aid you in achieving this goal. The focus will be on the framework “Focusing Resources on Effective School Health” more popularly known as the FRESH framework. Aside from this, the first module will also enable you to look into your role as a school head who can champion health in your school. It will also allow you to assess
your own capacities in championing health through the fulfillment of your different roles as a school leader and manager.

Other Resources
  • A Review of the Current Situation and Practices of Multigrade Schools in the Philippines: Summary Report
  • HEALTHeXCELS Module 2: Manage School Health Programs
  • INNOTECH eNewsletter – September 2018
  • Philippine Education for All 2015 Plan of Action: An assessment of progress made in achieving the EFA goals
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HEALTHeXCELS Module 1: Champion Health Management In School

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