
ALM Toolkit MODULE 1: Introduction to Alternative Learning Modalities

The Secondary Level ALM Toolkit aims to provide education planners, policy makers, and program implementers in Southeast Asia with an overview of alternative methods for delivering secondary level education in the region. This Toolkit includes a description of the rationale and common challenges in implementing ALMs, and characteristics of successful alternative delivery programs. The Secondary Level ALM Toolkit contains case examples of alternative delivery programs being implemented in selected Southeast Asian countries, highlighting best practices, and including a list of existing secondary level ALM programs and implementing offices, education ministries, and links to relevant ALM resources and websites.

The Toolkit presents a systematic and organized information on different secondary level ALM programs developed and implemented in selected countries in Southeast Asia. Module 1 presents an overview of Alternative Learning Modalities, including a brief background on the challenges faced by learners enrolled in secondary education programs. This module includes the factors that can push or pull-out learners from completing their secondary education.

Other Resources
  • Quarterly Newsletter – July-September 2021
  • INNOTECH eNewsletter – April 2018
  • Regional Research on Teacher Preparation in Response to Increasing ASEAN Integration Research Brief
  • PEACeXCELS Module 2: Promote Peace and Respect
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ALM Toolkit MODULE 1 Introduction to Alternative Learning Modalities

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