Philippine Alternative Learning System (ALS) Act signed into law
SEAMEO INNOTECH joins the Department of Education in celebrating the signing of the Philippine Alternative Learning System (ALS) Act as a milestone in moving forward the country’s system of non-formal education. The ALS Act, or Republic Act No. 11510, provides support to ensure that more out-of-school children (in special cases), youth and adults (OSCYA) have access to quality basic education and will be ready for higher education or work.
Understanding What the ALS is in the Philippines
The Department of Education’s ALS Program in the Philippines is a parallel non-formal learning system, for learners that have dropped out of school or had no access to formal education. The program is based on a contextualized version of the K to 12 basic education curriculum designed specifically to meet the learning needs and situations of OSCYA. It provides options for OSCYA to continue their learning in a manner that is suitable to their preference and circumstances and allows them to achieve their goals, improve their quality of life and become more active and productive members of society. Individuals from traditionally marginalized sectors of society, such as those geographically isolated or impoverished, as well as youth incarcerated in institutions, indigenous people, learners with disabilities and those living on the streets, will particularly benefit from opportunities to develop their literacy and life skills and increase their readiness for work and other sources of livelihood.
The Impact of the ALS Act in Philippine Education
Aside from enhancing access to basic education, the ALS Act focuses on strengthening the capacity of ALS Teachers through pre-service and in-service training to improve the quality and relevance of ALS basic education programs. Career opportunities for ALS Teachers will be enhanced as additional posts will be created and recalibrated to deliver various ALS programs depending on the context and needs of the area they serve. Moreover, the law articulates the provision of adequate learning resources and ALS Community Learning Centers that are safe and conducive for learning in all cities/municipalities nationwide. Finally, the Act will strengthen the governance of DepEd ALS programs through the creation of a new Bureau of Alternative Education tasked with overseeing the implementation of the DepEd’s ALS 2.0 reforms designed to improve the quality, relevance, efficiency and effectiveness of ALS programs in the Philippines.
The Importance of ALS
The signing of the ALS education act in the Philippines gives more Filipinos who have little to no chance of attending school to receive and finish basic education. It expands the rights of every Filipino to learn, opening more opportunities for growth and development. Accomplishing basic education lets students with special situations and needs move on to pursue their studies and eventually jumpstart their careers.
SEAMEO INNOTECH’s Dedication to the Philippine ALS Program
For decades, SEAMEO INNOTECH has provided technical assistance to DepEd in strengthening the ALS program in the Philippines. Through their collaboration, they ensured that ALS becomes a viable pathway for basic education among out-of-school children, youth, and adult learners.
Innotech and DepEd’s dedication to ALS education in the Philippines spearheaded the technical guidance and inputs on ALS policy, systems development, review of the ALS curriculum, life skills training, development of learning materials like the LAC resource for ALS implementers, and capacity building for key ALS officials and practitioners.
Moving forward, INNOTECH will continue to support and assist DepEd with its next steps in operationalizing the provisions of the law, exploring ALS opportunities, and the continued roll-out of the ALS 2.0 reform agenda.
Building Awareness of ALS Education in the Philippines
Understanding the importance of ALS in the Philippines is a step toward creating awareness about the scarcity of education for some Filipinos. And as an educational technology organization, SEAMEO INNOTECH is dedicated to creating learning opportunities for all students.
To know more about Republic Act No. 11510 “An Act Institutionalizing the Alternative Learning System In Basic Education For Out-Of-School Children In Special Cases And Adults And Appropriating Funds Therefor”, check out the official signed document uploaded on the Official Gazette.