Multigrade LAC materials now downloadable on the SEAMEO INNOTECH website
In 2016, the Philippine Department of Education (DepEd) emphasized the importance of school-based continuing professional development. The Learning Action Cell (LAC) functions as a professional learning community for teachers where they can share knowledge and experience, as well as collaborate to solve shared challenges within their school. With the complexity of teaching multigrade classes, LAC sessions were found to be very useful tools for multigrade teachers.
In support of improving teachers’ competency in teaching and managing multigrade classes, a set of support materials known as Learning Action Cell (LAC) Resource Materials for Multigrade Teachers were developed to be used during the conduct of LAC sessions as part of the continuing professional development of multigrade teachers at the school level. The materials consist of twenty-three (23) LAC session guides that introduce multigrade teachers to important factors influencing successful multigrade teaching. The contents focus on utilization of different multigrade teaching and learning materials (e.g., budget of work, integrated lesson plan, daily lesson plan, daily lesson log), appropriate instructional strategies and techniques, contextualization of lesson plans, classroom management, learning assessment, program monitoring and evaluation, classroom observation, and coaching dialogue, among others.
The development, production and dissemination of the LAC Resource Materials for Multigrade Teachers were undertaken by the Department of Education – Bureau of Learning Delivery, with technical and financial support from the UNICEF and SEAMEO INNOTECH through the tripartite cooperation project, “Strengthening Delivery of Multigrade Program in Region VIII (SDMG R8)”.
In reference to the DepEd memorandum on the distribution of the material (DM-OUCI-2020-345), printed copies of the LAC Resource Materials for Multigrade Teachers have been sent out to DepEd Regional Offices and School Division Offices. You can also download the material for free from the SEAMEO INNOTECH website.