shazni replied to the topic What is the best feature of the e-Citizenship e-book and why? in the forum SEAMEO INNOTECH 7 years, 3 months ago
1. Free to all.
2. Multiple ways to access; from the websites or apps.
3. Well placed links in table of contents.
4. Inside the e-Books there are more links to more reading materials and videos.
shazni replied to the topic What topic about digital citizenship/cyberwellness is most important for SEA? in the forum SEAMEO INNOTECH 7 years, 3 months ago
Netizens should understand and know their boundaries to post or share something online. Example: there are lots of inappropriate adverts unintentionally or intentionally in the comments section in Facebook or Instagram. Some of the adverts are sometimes adults related.
shazni replied to the topic What topic about digital citizenship/cyberwellness is most important for SEA? in the forum SEAMEO INNOTECH 7 years, 3 months ago
Netizens should understand and know their boundaries to post or share something online. Example: there are lots of inappropriate adverts unintentionally or intentionally in the comments section in Facebook or Instagram. Some of the adverts are sometimes adults related but in public environments.