Ricky Vista Balmores replied to the topic What topic about digital citizenship/cyberwellness is most important for SEA? in the forum SEAMEO INNOTECH 7 years, 3 months ago
I think the Digital opportunities and Risk being aware on this might prevent us getting harm but can use this as an opportunity to gain more profitable in terms of connection to the world and might get us to be international competitive.
Ricky Vista Balmores replied to the topic What is the best feature of the e-Citizenship e-book and why? in the forum SEAMEO INNOTECH 7 years, 3 months ago
The best feature of the e-Citizenship e-book was its “Structures of Presentation” were the teachers can easily prepare presentation and activities for thier learners. Now a days, EDUCATORS is one of the most important person in our society. With that feature as their tools, they can make thier teaching life more productive and efficient for…[Read more]