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  • #61824
    Profile photo of osias-andus

    Yes, its really true that sometimes violence doesn’t start on-line; it maybe a continuation of what has happened off-line. Being a teacher it is our responsibility to know our learners. The records of prior learning must be properly documented. It is not about educating our learners the proper ways on-line, showcasing of good behavior and giving respect of others opinion but we need also to consider off-line activities. Communication with parents of what is being expected in school and in their respected homes. A collaboration of learner behaviors’ monitoring between the teacher and the parents during on-line (usually happened in school) and off-line (at home) would really help to improve and instill admirable values.

  • #61823
    Profile photo of osias-andus

    We are now facing in the 21st century of which technology plays a big portion of it. We need to adopt to the changing world. Being a teacher it is our supreme responsibility to educate learners and able to connect changes. This is how digital citizen take in. Anyone who has the ability to manage technology can be considered as a digital citizen. Even in a single visit in the internet or can manage a simple and basic technology apps can be considered as a digital citizen. So now, we need to connect to the world and discover what is happening. Through on-line a lot of opportunities awaits. You can find jobs through on line, share opinions, collaborate to people you know and even a lot of resources that we can use. But what is important we will instill values to our learners to be responsible or observe proper etiquette in using social media.

  • #61893
    Profile photo of osias-andus

    This is the beauty of technology to make our work easier and faster. But we must bear in mind that there are limitations. We should not over-passed this limitations to avoid problems or threats. Thus, before we start, we need to orient ourselves first and to be followed by our learners. We must set as an example or a model to our learners and even to the community.

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