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  • #62056
    Profile photo of osias-andus

    “Get updated, to update other”, i loved the statement. We cannot teach what we don’t have. At first, atleast we are so honest admitting that digital technology is not in our cup of tea but what is important we have that willingness to fill-in what is lacking in us. This realization is what i admired most.

  • #62045
    Profile photo of osias-andus

    Proper guidance must first start at home. We’ve been doing our best in school to educate learners but its not being practice at home. I agree that parents and teachers should work together. Lets try to orient the parents first in terms of social awareness online and the proper behavior that they should know so they can show it to their children. This partnership i think is very much useful and relevant in the life of the children. Sometimes children are very cruel and have much curiosity even trying some sites which are prohibited and use to try and explore something even lack of knowledge without knowing it has threats ahead.

  • #62042
    Profile photo of osias-andus

    The learning that we had is really a big WOW sir….The podcast allows everyone to reflect on the usage online regarding behavior and our position online. What is important we are portraying positive behavior and we will be leaving desirable footprints that is worth to be emulated.

  • #62041
    Profile photo of osias-andus

    I agree with you sir Jacob. In engaging online, we must have awareness in ourselves of what is our responsibilities. That is why being a teacher we must know this things so we can share to our learners the best information and future problems can be prevented.

  • #62011
    Profile photo of osias-andus

    As teacher, we should always empty our cap for more learnings and chances. We should not stake of what we had instead we need to explore, do research, attend trainings to improve our capabilities. Learning cannot only be taken from our colleagues during seminars, at the internet but also from our interaction with our learners. We actually learning from each other.

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