mt4taury replied to the topic MT4T resource most helpful for teachers in the forum SEAMEO INNOTECH 6 years, 5 months ago
That is correct, @epelaez! The MT4T resources are all geared towards helping teachers like you enhance their capacities in the use of mobile technologies (beyond texting, calling, and socializing online) towards becoming 21st century educators.
mt4taury replied to the topic MT4T resource most helpful for teachers in the forum SEAMEO INNOTECH 6 years, 5 months ago
That is correct, @epelaez! The MT4T resources are all geared towards helping teachers like you enhace their capacities in the use of mobile technologies (beyond texting, calling, and socializing online) towards becoming 21st century educators.
mt4taury replied to the topic MT4T resource most helpful for teachers in the forum SEAMEO INNOTECH 6 years, 5 months ago
That is correct, @epelaez! The MT4T resources are all geared towards helping teachers like enhace their capacities in the use of mobile technologies (beyond texting, calling, and socializing online) towards becoming 21st century educators.
mt4taury replied to the topic MT4T resource most helpful for teachers in the forum SEAMEO INNOTECH 6 years, 5 months ago
Please note that once you download an e-book from the download section of the SEAMEO INNOTECH Reader app, that e-book will be stored in your mobile device and will not require an internet to access. 😊 Isn’t that great?
mt4taury started the topic MT4T resource most helpful for teachers in the forum SEAMEO INNOTECH 6 years, 5 months ago
MT4T has three 3 components ebooks, e-reader app, and a website. The e-books contain guides and tips on how you can maximize the use of mobile technologies. The website offers not just the e-books but also videos, infographics, and the forum. Which of these resources will be most useful to you?
mt4taury started the topic MT4T resource most helpful for teachers in the forum SEAMEO INNOTECH 6 years, 5 months ago
MT4T has three 3 components ebooks, e-reader app, and a website. The e-books contain guidesand tipson howyou can maximize the use of mobile technologies. The website offers not just the e-books but also videos, infographics, and theforum. Which of these resources will be most useful to you?