mahfuzahzainol98 replied to the topic What is the best feature of the e-Citizenship e-book and why? in the forum SEAMEO INNOTECH 7 years, 3 months ago
The best feature is the graph shown for the worldwide growth in the mobile internet users since 2000 until 2015.
mahfuzahzainol98 replied to the topic What topic about digital citizenship/cyberwellness is most important for SEA? in the forum SEAMEO INNOTECH 7 years, 3 months ago
From my point of view, the most important topics are (in order)
1. cyberbullying
2. cybersex issues
3. data safety for our internet banking
4. plagiarism in education (assignments/homework)
mahfuzahzainol98 changed their profile picture 7 years, 3 months ago
mahfuzahzainol98 replied to the topic Are you experiencing any issues w/ the MT4T app, website, or materials? in the forum SEAMEO INNOTECH 7 years, 3 months ago
🙂 No issue, just the internet a bit slow.