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  • #61869
    Profile photo of gmdabalos

    This podcast episode challenged me to continue exploring educational applications and tools. The digital world is offering us too many choices but it is us teachers who decide which is most appropriate to use in our lessons. I appreciate the examples given by Ma’am Mel Tan and I hope with the use of the forum we can come up with a list of which tools to use for a particular purpose and share with fellow teachers our experiences with these apps and tools. I am inspired with the sharing of Ma’am Tan, to make use of ICT and give value to it in our lessons, that teaching-learning materials should not be limited to a glorified visual aid, but rather materials for creating meaning, better understanding and appreciation of learning through ICT apps/tools. “Explore, explore, explore”.

  • #61867
    Profile photo of gmdabalos

    “The digital world is an extension of our real life”. This podcast episode reminded me as a teacher to model behavior in my social media accounts which learners have access to. I am careful with what I post in my social media accounts.  But, I don’t know if there were times that I used social media as a space to overly express myself and might have unconsciously displayed behavior which are little less appropriate. After being reminded of our influence as teachers through this podcast – online and offline, I’d be reviewing more often what I post and share in accounts which viewers include our learners.

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