aury atienza-santos started the topic How can I make use of this toolkit for my school? in the forum SEAMEO INNOTECH 8 years ago
Hi! I am primary teacher and I came across this website. I am very much interested in reading all the e-books and excited to learn from the contents. Do you have suggestions on how I can make better use of this toolkit? Any answer would be helpful. Thanks!
aury atienza-santos replied to the topic How can I make use of this toolkit for my school? in the forum SEAMEO INNOTECH 8 years, 3 months ago
i want to add a document
aury atienza-santos started the topic How can I make use of this toolkit for my school? in the forum SEAMEO INNOTECH 8 years, 3 months ago
Hi! I am primary teacher and I came across this website. I am very much interested in reading all the e-books and excited to learn from the contents. Do you have suggestions on how I can make better use of this toolkit? Any answer would be helpful. Thanks!
aury atienza-santos started the topic How can I make use of this toolkit for my school? in the forum SEAMEO INNOTECH 8 years, 3 months ago
Hi! I am preparing a plan to enhance my lesson in Edmodo. Any suggestions will be useful. Thanks!
aury atienza-santos started the topic How can I make use of this toolkit for my school? in the forum SEAMEO INNOTECH 8 years, 3 months ago
Hi! I am preparing a plan to enhance my lesson in Edmodo. Any suggestions will be useful. Thanks!
aury atienza-santos replied to the topic How can i download e-Books? in the forum SEAMEO INNOTECH 8 years, 3 months ago
thank you! that was very helpful.
aury atienza-santos replied to the topic How can i download e-Books? in the forum SEAMEO INNOTECH 8 years, 3 months ago
Sorry bro, I don’t know, too. 😀
try checking the answer here: https://www.seameo-innotech.org