Home Forums SEAMEO INNOTECH What topic about digital citizenship/cyberwellness is most important for SEA?

  • What topic about digital citizenship/cyberwellness is most important for SEA?

  • #1264
    Profile photo of firth

    What aspects about digital citizenship and cyber safety are critical for the youth in Southeast Asia? What cyber issues are the biggest concerns that need to be addressed?

  • Author
  • #1265
    Profile photo of louellat-uy

    Cyber bullying and Plagirism

  • #1266
    Profile photo of joelcanceran

    <h1 style=”line-height: 150%;”>: Being Intelligent about MISINFORMATION online</h1>

  • #1267
    Profile photo of beth

    For me, the most important topic about digital citizenship/cyberwellness for SEA is the one that may address or somehow prevent human trafficking and cybersex issues, that is Digital risks and threats. People should be educated on this especially the young ones, so they can have the capacity to evaluate everything on the internet and help them detect unlikely situations or people online.

  • #1268

    I think the Digital opportunities and Risk being aware on this might prevent us getting harm but can use this as an opportunity to gain more profitable in terms of connection to the world and might get us to be international competitive.

  • #1269
    Profile photo of mariac-jaliul

    Socio-Emotional Intelligence and Digital Citizenship

  • #1292
    Profile photo of

    Net etiquette, identifying which facts are true on the social media,  stranger safety.

  • #1293
    Profile photo of mahfuzahzainol98

    From my point of view, the most important topics are (in order)

    1. cyberbullying

    2. cybersex issues

    3. data safety for our internet banking

    4. plagiarism in education (assignments/homework)


  • #1294
    Profile photo of hasmadi-hamdan

    1. Using smartphone in school.

    2. Qualify of internet speeding.

    3. Using internet between urban and rural area.

    4. Using internet / smart phone among poor students.

  • #1295
    Profile photo of zara2017

    (a) Message/ Advertising on consequences of freedom of internet access

    (b) short video on PSA (public service awareness) on citizenship/cyberwellness

    (c) workshops / dramatization of the topics for better understanding

  • #1296
    Profile photo of rahah

    In my opinion, the most important topic about digital citizenship/cyberwellness for SEA would be “the awareness in avoiding to bridge others’ privacy while using internet, especially social media apps such as twitter, instagram, blogs and etc”. People tend to think, it is okay for us to simply write or share on others’ news without having a mutual consent before doing so. Some of this inconsiderate act somehow interfere with people’s private life; which later cause negative conflicts among one another. I truly believe a little bit of self awareness of having to respect others’ privacy is very important when it comes to the usage of internet. As much as we avoid to talk about each other in real life, we should also do the same on the internet.

  • #1297
    Profile photo of rahah

    secondly, I think as educators, we also should somehow highlights on the importance of CHOOSING THE RIGHT WEBSITE/ WEB BASE  FOR LEARNING. Not all of our students are aware of this, some teachers are not too. We have so many websites for education, however, not all are well organized and authorized in terms of providing the right contents for learning. I guess this also should be one of the topic about digital citizenship/cyberwellness for SEA.

  • #1298
    Profile photo of yuslinda

    Socio -emotional intelligence and cyberbullying should  be highlighted especially among the youngsters

  • #1299
    Profile photo of fahmyramly

    Cyber safety focus on youngsters

  • #1301
    Profile photo of shazni

    Netizens should understand and know their boundaries to post or share something online. Example: there are lots of inappropriate adverts unintentionally or intentionally in the comments section in Facebook or Instagram. Some of the adverts are sometimes adults related.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Profile photo of shazni shazni.
  • #1306
    Profile photo of rizal

    Digital Competence Framework for Educators



  • #1307
    Profile photo of ulfahismail

    In my opinion, one of the important topic is TROLLING AND CYBERSTALKING. The youth should always be reminded to have empathy and be a responsible user when responding to certain issues on the internet. For instance, people seemed to respond to viral issues by making fun of the subjects in the viral issue, just for the sake of having a laugh with their peers. It is very saddening to see that the way they responded to it can somehow make the people who are directly involved in the issues to feel angered, depressed or just a total loser. One thing for sure, emotional scar are invisible to human eyes, and would be carried in the heart forever.
    This is because, usually, they voiced out their opinions using unnecessary harsh or vulgar words, without taking into consideration that they are actually talking about other human beings who also have emotion. The fact that they are hiding behind the screen (aka the ‘keyboard warrior’) maybe make them feel powerful, thus made them overlooked what the effect of words have towards other people.

    Therefore as an educator, we should constantly reminding the youth to be mercifully towards others by putting themselves in other people shoes. May be, by doing so, we are not only producing a responsible internet user, but we are also moulding a wholesome individual with a big heart.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Profile photo of ulfahismail ulfahismail.

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