Home Forums SEAMEO INNOTECH What is the best feature of the e-Citizenship e-book and why?

  • What is the best feature of the e-Citizenship e-book and why?

  • #1259
    Profile photo of knchaves

    The best answer will get a surprise. 🙂

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Profile photo of knchaves knchaves.
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  • #1261
    Profile photo of paumanalo24

    They say that one of the best things in life are free, and to realize that all these e-books are FREE and just one-click away for someone to be able to read and learn from these learning materials is a very great thing.  Aside from its easy availability, the e-Citizenship e-book is is very convenient to use whether by an ordinary person or by someone who works in the field of education.  Since it is in e-book format, one can just easily view it on their cellphone or tablets anytime.  So, to sum it up, the best feature of the e-Citizenship e-book is its accessibility.

  • #1262
    Profile photo of beth

    I think the e-Citizenship ebook’s best feature is that it is a comprehensive material  than can be used for free by teachers and students. Materials like these are often acquired with a cost, so to use this with no payment at all is awesome. And to think that it is not a trial version but a full package is the greatest deal. It’s like using a Spotify Premium for free. 🙂

  • #1263

    The best feature of the e-Citizenship e-book was its “Structures of Presentation” were the teachers can easily prepare presentation and activities for thier learners. Now a days,  EDUCATORS is one of the most important person in our society. With that feature as their tools, they can make thier teaching life more productive and efficient for thier learners sake with minimum time preparation on thier part and most of all effective.  And they/we can access it for FREE! Thank you SEAMEO INNOTECH! God bless everyone!

  • #1270
    Profile photo of evaperez

    It is easy to use and the topics are very relevant.

  • #1300
    Profile photo of rizal

    Using open source platform to develop ebook and can access faster as cloud base

  • #1303
    Profile photo of mahfuzahzainol98

    The best feature is the graph shown for the worldwide growth in the mobile internet users since 2000 until 2015.


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  • #1305
    Profile photo of zara2017

    Technology Takeover : It is all about connectivity. Of course intrinsically we should not be disconnected. So the platform should also be used to educate people on ‘what relevant materials’ to connect to.  To have something so useful and free – is highly commendable.  Good work!

  • #1308
    Profile photo of shazni

    1. Free to all.

    2. Multiple ways to access; from the websites or apps.

    3. Well placed links in table of contents.

    4. Inside the e-Books there are more links to more reading materials and videos.

  • #1311
    Profile photo of hasmadi-hamdan

    1. Give a new experience for the teacher to explore new technique and approach in teaching.

    2. The books are very usefull and interesting.

    3. e-citizenship is very useful guide to teachers and pupils while using the internet. I think the book should be an ICT policy of MOE.

    4. Give the examples for teaching the specific topics in syllabus (Math, Sciences, English, languages, etc). For example, how to teach calculus using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

    5. Giving award to innovative teacher who using FB, IG, Twitter or other social media in the classroom.

    6. Allow teacher to upload and share their works in the forum.




  • #1316
    Profile photo of hasneeda

    Everything in the e-Citizenship e-book the best.There are info, guidelines, samples, links and easy to understand.

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