Home Forums SEAMEO INNOTECH “Right Click” Podcast Series Risk and threats of digital technology

  • Risk and threats of digital technology

  • #61884

    To ALS teacher according to the speaker technology  must be taken look in black and white perspective in order to reduce the behaviours that tend to involve children. We have to think on how are we going to guide those children or teenagers when using technology. Technology can be risky when used to harm others. Some may think that in this present times posting in social media is just normal.  But what they don’t know is that posting on social media is coupled with responsibility. That’s where we as implementers can help. We can guide them in the right path while using technology. We must instill in their minds that technology is helpful not distructive. When left unguided sometimes technology can also be harmful to them. 3 C’s according to Bectas means Conduct, Contact, Content… content these are materials such as pictures, videos,audio or text wherein it’s existing in the internet and when children were exposed to this they might be put at risk or harm. According the speaker when we talk about contacts it means interactions who are the people online, that children interact with and what kind of interaction might be harmful or risky to the children. Conducts means behaviour of children themselves that may put the children at risk or at harm. Technology can bring a lot of opportunities among our ALS learners.

    I would agree to what the speaker is saying…were here to help and guide our learner’s for good. We must always remember that teachers are life changers among our learner’s were here to touch and change lives and not to destroy lives. Sometimes it maybe hard on the part of our ALS teachers but at the end of the day the fulfillment that we have when we see our learner’s grow and become responsible is already an achievement.

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  • #61991
    Profile photo of emilrriodil

    I too is being touched by the words of the speaker on that certain podcast friend 🙂 I could really sense that. The love and intuition of having those answers really had made an impact on my thinking on the said topic.


  • #61996
    Profile photo of kuyajay

    According to Bectas which the speaker used as his reference, there are 3 C’s of risk on digital technology. The content which means the materials within that the children are able to access. The contact which refers to the people online whom the children can interact with, it might be interactions that lead to our children be abused or harmed. The other is Conduct which refers to the behavior of children in dealing with the content itself and the contact or the persons they are interacting with. In this phase, our children might fall into addiction to digital technology.

    These are some of the risks and threats that our children are facing right now and it might happen if there is a lack of guidance on the use of digital technology. That’s the reason why children are very vulnerable in the risks and threats specifically in becoming an addict to digital technology nowadays.

    The question is how can we help our children not to fall into those mentioned risks and threats? This is the very big challenge for us educators on how to address this certain situation. One thing that really struck my attention from the speaker’s point of view that I think it would be of great help is that we as teachers should have clear expectations from our learners. In other words we have to set standards specially in using digital technology as an avenue of our teaching-learning process.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Profile photo of kuyajay kuyajay.

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