Home Forums SEAMEO INNOTECH “Right Click” Podcast Series Podcast Episode on Online Safety

  • Podcast Episode on Online Safety

  • #61775
    Profile photo of SEAMEO INNOTECH

    Talking about self-regulation, Professor Queena Lee-Chua said, “I can control what I do in my classroom. I cannot really control my students, but I can control the resources I recommend to my student(s).”  In this regard, how do you think you can help control the resources that learners access online?

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  • #61825
    Profile photo of achiehechanova

    How I can help control the resources that learners access online? I think I have to make a kind of strategy . Like for example, instead of research that has to be done in forms of internet connection, I’d rather to conduct activities using books or any materials that are not related to any online supplementary materials. This is a very simple way, though there’s a lot of strategies to be delivered.

  • #61901

    As teachers we can help control the resources to be accessed by our learners online through enumerating sites that they need to visit. It will ensure that they will get the credible information needed to accomplish the activities.

  • #62054
    Profile photo of johnyso

    Controlling resources like changing the settings of an app can be one strategy that u can manage your learners activities. Knowing how resourceful our learners are, we still have to put limitations and instilling in them digital values that would remind them that there’s danger if they will nor follow rules reaponsibly.

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