• Online safety

  • #61878

    With our present situation today especially that we are in a pandemic most of the people are active in social media. But some are not aware of what is danger that awaits among users posting nonsense topics or violent topics in social media… As a social media influencer we must always bear in our minds that our actions in social media is coupled with great responsibility. We must think that whatever we post we must think if it would be beneficial to those who can read it. Social media is a great platform to spread goodness to everybody but if abused it could create chaos and distruction. Responsible posting must be practiced. Its good that we have this podcast series discussing the importance of online security. What we must remember are the good points and not the bad ones. Always think that what you are posting also reflects your personality. 

  • Author
  • #61883
    Profile photo of jelynjoyavelino

    I agree with you Sir Francis digital world is an extension of real life the values the we practice in our life must also reflect in the way we do digitally. The social media platforms we used should showcase our true self but with more positive sides in it, so that we can encourage more online users but we must be also vigilant on those who are spreading negative thoughts to avoid or stop the content that they intend to deliver.

  • #62002
    Profile photo of marissaramirez

    I do agree with you sir. Everybody must practice reflective and critical thinking before posting on social media. Ika nga “Think Before You Click”. It might be our right to use the internet however, we should always bear in our minds that as we exercise this right we have to be responsible. That instead of putting ourselves into risk because of our negative actions online, why not maximize its benefits.

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