• #61843
    Profile photo of christina


    The internet or digital world is a wonderful place for learning and entertainment but like the world around us it can pose dangers if precautions are not taken . Allowing FREE access puts your child, your computer and your personal data at risk. This episode Online Safety reminds us that we as teachers, as parents and as learners in the digital world should be vigilant, reflective, aware, responsible and wise in the use of digital technology… A very powerful insights and information coming from the speaker Dr. Queenie Lee Chua stressed the importance of being secured and safe in terms of technology. As ALS implementers, let us teach our learners to think critically and not trusting anything that they see in the digital world. It’s being safe with their information and the people they connect with because this is a world of both opportunities and risk…Let us pay attention to the online environments our children and our learners use. When our learners encounter inappropriate or sites let us try to react constructively and tell them the risk of those sites. To be able to be safe, always review the privacy setting available on social networking sites and tools they use. Let us help our learners and even our children to identify safe, credible websites and other digital contents and be cautious about clicking on, downloading, posting and uploading content which the other party can use against us. Of course let us also remind them to be good digital friends by respecting personal information of friends and family and not sharing anything about others that is potentially embarrassing or hurtful. Empower them also to handle issues or situations like bullying or hurtful comments online but if situation arise always talk with trusted adult, not retaliating, calmly talking with the person, blocking the person or filing a complaint and create a new account if ever.

  • Author
  • #61845
    Profile photo of luisae-elipan

    Digital world is already the extension of our real day to day living. In teaching-learning process, Kumustahan with family, co-workers, learners and friends, regarding business, career, and other transactions requires us to go online. Due to pandemic and movement restrictions, overused of social media leads everyone to be exposed to different cyber activities. Now, it is our responsibility to safeguard our own security when using any social media platforms. It is true that values are caught not taught. Self-monitoring including emotional and psycho-social well-being to foster healthy relationship online should be considered. We must abide with the rules and regulations of cyber wellness and the golden rule “Do unto others what you want others do to you”.

    • #62030
      Profile photo of christina

      So true ma’am that because of this pandemic we are forced to stay at home and work at home for health and safety…The risk of going outside because we are afraid that we will be infected by this COVID 19 Virus. Our children even us are more likely to use our gadgets and so we need to manage and discipline ourselves in using it because it might also caused us to be dependent on it. Many of our learners and also children are used to using their gadgets because they are bored at home and because of this, a lot of things that they can do online…Let us educate them to use internet for a more productive and meaningful ways  and at the same time manage and discipline themselves also in using it so as not to be dependent on the use of internet. Instill to them the value of bonding with family members and talking face to face with them even without using their cellphones for a while.

  • #61862
    Profile photo of jennylyn-asendido

    Nowadays, especially during this pandemic, being online in different platforms (educational or social media) are very common. It is very beneficial to us as for entertainment and education or other aspects of our life, but on the other side, there is the very bad side of it IF someone did not use those platforms intelligently. Parents and teachers are essential part of the rationalization of digital natives, our learners, because the digital world is very scary and they cannot yet distinguish what’s safe and what’s not out there.

    • #62026
      Profile photo of christina

      Definitely ma’am…majority all around the world are using internet as means of communication, business, search the web and gaming…in this digital world we have to be vigilant enough to know what is real and what is not…Online safety should be taught to our learners and even members of our family because there are sites that are harmful to us or can damage our reputation and life…

  • #61864

    In every aspects there’s always advantages and disadvantages, social media is a very powerful tool in terms of communication,education,business and others…all we need to do is to be more responsible individuals. As implementer we also need to properly educate our learner’s about responsible posting online for their safety. But we cannot do this if we do not know what to do or we are not properly oriented about securities on social media…we need to equipped ourselves with necessary skills most especially when we are posting on social media sites…we cannot just post whatever we want to post, we must always ask ourselves if our posts are beneficial or distructive to others..we must always remember that we must think before we click for everybodies safety. We can be abused or we can be abusive if we are not responsible… We can be punished under the law if will take for granted the rules being imposed.

    • #62028
      Profile photo of christina

      Yes sir! I strongly agree with your idea that we have to be careful on the things that we are posting in social media because some people can use this for their own bad intention against us… Many hackers online who can access our account and can get our important information ( e.g passwords or pin in our savings account, credit cards and the like) Be cautious and responsible enough in using social media and always update our password and privacy setting in order not to be hacked by others….Let us always informed our learners to think before they click…

  • #62039
    Profile photo of lolitamananquil

    Online safety is a podcast so vital especially this time that the demands of our work in deped is more on digital technology. With this new innovation parents, teachers and learners have been given significant informations that will help protect themselves from the harm of irresponsible use of online technology. With the infos stated in the podcast, I would say that I’m so blessed because it truly helps my awareness in handling responsibly digital issues and solutions.

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