Home Forums SEAMEO INNOTECH MT4T resource most helpful for teachers

  • MT4T resource most helpful for teachers

  • #1680
    Profile photo of MT4T ForumAdmin
    MT4T ForumAdmin

    MT4T has three 3 components ebooks, e-reader app, and a website. The e-books contain guides and tips on how you can maximize the use of mobile technologies. The website offers not just the e-books but also videos, infographics, and the forum. Which of these resources will be most useful to you?

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  • #1682
    Profile photo of judecarlopilapil

    1. MT4T: A Teacher Resource Kit Using Mobile Technology for 21st Century Learning in Southeast Asia – to furthermore learn about the use and benefits of the whole module.

    2. An Introduction to Teachers’ Personal and Professional Learning Networks for 21st Century Learning – this will gauge me to about my own professional growth.

    3. Uses of Functionalities of Mobile Devices for Teachers – this will allow me to be more capacitated with the tools needed to be a more competitive 21st teacher.

    4. Edmodo for Teachers – this will allow me to be more innovative in teaching.

  • #1684
    Profile photo of jaqueline

    MT4T resource is the most helpful for teachers in a way that they teachers will be easy finding some annotated resources  that will make their lesson more interesting and easily to understand.

  • #1685
    Profile photo of margarett

    I think, based on the learning interest of the learners, probably, e-books will be more appropriate because it provides not just a collaborative information but also interactive details on a certain topics which will help the students to gain more knowledge and be able to apply it to real life situation. Aside from that it is very portable wherein they could access it free anywhere, everywhere.

  • #1686
    Profile photo of bhelle

    I think MT4T can be useful a tool to maximize the potential of the teachers in ICT integration. It provides an avenue for guiding teachers to know more on how to integrate technology inside the classroom.

  • #1688
    Profile photo of jeffreybuendia

    <span style=”color: #666666; font-family: Lato, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-align: justify;”>I think, the MT4T can be a useful tool for the teachers. It’s just that teachers must be able to have the needed resources in order to be utilized in the teaching-learning process; for instance, an appropriate device that has the capacity for this mobile application, another is the availability of internet connection so that the resources can be fully downloaded and be readily available at all times.</span>

    • #1692
      Profile photo of MT4T ForumAdmin
      MT4T ForumAdmin

      Please note that once you download an e-book from the download section of the SEAMEO INNOTECH Reader app, that e-book will be stored in your mobile device and will not require an internet to access. 😊 Isn’t that great?

  • #1690
    Profile photo of jaydee

    MT4T is most helpful for teachers for a simple reason that it promotes “paperless” work for teachers and in a way that it also enables us to develop ourselves to 21st century teaching.


  • #1691
    Profile photo of epelaez

    As teachers, we don’t only rely on one type or resource. I think teachers – being the most innovative and creative individuals, if given with anything (from books to online resources), would always come up with the best instructional material that is always suited to the needs of his/her students.

    With MT4T and its three components, being free and available for educators like us, I guess teachers will be brought to a whole new level of fantastic learning and teaching experience. Regardless of which component is the best, each will always contribute an important feature to teachers’ teaching  skills.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Profile photo of epelaez epelaez.
  • #1694
    Profile photo of MT4T ForumAdmin
    MT4T ForumAdmin

    That is correct, @epelaez! The MT4T resources are all geared towards helping teachers like  you enhance their capacities in the use of mobile technologies (beyond texting, calling, and socializing online) towards becoming 21st century educators.

  • #1710
    Profile photo of trangnguyen

    Can you show at one sample lesson?

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