Home Forums SEAMEO INNOTECH “Right Click” Podcast Series Digital Resources -Responsible Use of Technology

  • Digital Resources -Responsible Use of Technology

  • #61849
    Profile photo of jppascua

    As we live in a digital world, we have to be very cautious as to what will be posted or not in the social media. Everyone goes online because of information needed and it makes people to connect, engage and communicate to one another. It is a means to share ones opinion since there are various opportunities that occurs while they are online. However, being online requires responsibility that as we use and appreciate digital technology, we must be responsible enough in using it. All things we leave in the internet is permanent according to the author that is why i want to share two keywords coming from the word responsibility “resoonse and ability ” which means for me if this would apply to us as educators , we must respond with ability to inculcate to the minds of our learners, family members the values, ethics in digital society.

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