Digital Citizenship
Opportunities vs. Risks
With the podcast on Digital Citizenship, it explains varieties of its pros and cons. It also presented different real-life situations that each and every Filipino particularly ALS learners encounter on using the internet.
With the unique scenario that we have in ALS, we the implementers should present all these opportunities that the internet could offer to our learners. In like manner, we should also provide them awareness on how to properly and responsibly use it. But we might as well cite the risks that they might encounter as they navigate the internet especially on using social media platforms. It’s good to those first timers, at least, they shall be warned of the prohibited sites or actions whenever they try to start one. But to those who are not, especially the digital natives, some of them might just contemplate on what they know and seems that they are consciously aware of what their actions are prone to. It’s high time to mitigate that perspective. Since, we have the chance to correct them, this must be the proper avenue for us to explain the other sides of it, and exploring the net without risks.
Moreover, just like being shared by the speaker, Firth McEachern, “digital world is the extension of our real life,” then therefore, we must consider all actions over the internet as if it is true to life. We need to be vigilant on what we post, how we post and why we post. These are essential and key concepts that we must teach them.
The bottom line is, these things could neither benefit nor harm us in the future. If we can’t do that now, when? If it’s not us to teach, advocate and correct, then who? And so, we must “maximize the opportunities and minimize risks” in order to be a responsible digital citizen.
This topic was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by
This topic was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by
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