Digital Citizenship
The new normal pave way to a stronger online world, since everyone is restricted to moved around physically the only thing we can do is be active virtually. However, as we do everything in virtual world we are leaving these digital footprints, the things that we leave online are permanent and we should be careful on what we leave behind, the podcast on DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP presented five questions that we should ask ourselves before we post online – questions are taken from the advice given by internet safety education program these questions are: 1. What do I look like when I post this? 2. Is this going to be permanent or is there a way for me to delete it? 3. Am I giving away to much about this? 4. What I want this to be shared with other people? 5. Does it pass the billboard test?. These questions are more on self reflecting, we need to remember that what we post today must not have a negative impact on us in the future.
This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by
This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by
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