Home Forums SEAMEO INNOTECH “Right Click” Podcast Series Digital Citizenship


  • Digital Citizenship

  • #61847
    Profile photo of bhingrosil

    In our digital world today, each of us should be responsible enough in using the technology. It is a fact that technology makes our life easier. As an ALS educator, we are liable to help our ALS learners understand the digital literacy to prevent the cyberbullying and even ensuring our health and wellness.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Profile photo of bhingrosil bhingrosil.
  • Author
  • #61879
    Profile photo of azilruaro

    Since we are all digital citizens, we should be more responsible using the digital media as our platform of communication, resources, and even for fun. We should always consider our digital footprint. Maximizing opportunities and minimizing the risk is one way of being a responsible digital citizen. Further, our digital world is an extension of our real world. Thus, our values, behaviors, and connections are reflections of our real world

  • #61881
    Profile photo of marvilyn

    Indeed, as a teacher we need to explore all the avenues we have today, we must maximize everything for us to deliver the best quality of education we could deliver among our clientele. Teachers should not settle for what we have known traditionally. Furthermore, the access of other educational platforms to serve as part of or lessons should otherwise manifest the essence and relevance of our educational goal. Inculcating the valuable aspect of technology as part of our response to a more globalized world. The technology we have today is a wide arena that we need to explore but we should use it in safe, responsible and productive ways. We cannot use it just because we like it, instead we should use it because it has relevance to our lessons and to our everyday life.</span></p>

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Profile photo of marvilyn marvilyn.

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