Home Forums SEAMEO INNOTECH “Right Click” Podcast Series Digital Citizenship

  • Digital Citizenship

  • #61826
    Profile photo of laurence

    I believe that  both the ALS learners and the ALS implementers need to learn digital citizenship…Why? because of the technological advancement, our world is becoming more reliant on the internet for day-to-day activities.. and eventually most of our ALS learners are entirely comfortable with the digital society, but the questions are, are they using it appropriately? do they understand their roles and responsibilities in digital community? Therefore, it is essential for the ALS teacher to teach digital citizenship to our ALS learners. because this would help them to understand how to use technology appropriately and responsibly. hence, teaching digital citizenship is substantial to help our ALS learners achieve and comprehend the world of digital technology.. #TatakMT4TALS

  • Author
  • #61917
    Profile photo of osias-andus

    We should both understand what opportunities online. World keep on changing. Amidst this changes, we need to dance with the music. But its not that so easy, yes it is our rights to learn and to be digitally literate. In every rights there is a corresponding responsibility. Being a teacher, we need to inform and give proper guidance to our learners in dealing technology. It needs a collaboration effort of teachers and parents. We are doing our responsibility in our respective CLCs but how about home? Do parents set expectations to their children?

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