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  • Digital citizenship

  • #1707
    Profile photo of ben18

    What are the effects of computer and mobile technology on young people?


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  • #1709
    Profile photo of diepnguyen

    Need to teach with ICT class.

    I think pupils will study hard

    • #1711
      Profile photo of ben18

      Hi! Thanks for your reply. What specific topics do you have in mind?

  • #1712
    Profile photo of namhoai

    According to Wiki, a digital citizen refers to a person utilizing information technology in order to engage in society, politics and government.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Profile photo of namhoai namhoai.
  • #1715
    Profile photo of giangdang

    It will close the gaps between urban and rural areas while making knowledge accessible regardless of time or location.

  • #1716
    Profile photo of quynhanh

    <span style=”color: #2e2e30; font-family: SourceSansProRegular, Arial, sans-serif; font-variant-ligatures: none;”> This technology can be an amazing thing to enjoy and use for learning and entertainment, it can also have sometimes unseen effects on your child’s health and development.</span><span style=”color: #2e2e30; font-family: SourceSansProRegular, Arial, sans-serif; font-variant-ligatures: none;”>Your child could develop more than physical problems from too much computer time.</span><span style=”color: #2e2e30; font-family: SourceSansProRegular, Arial, sans-serif; font-variant-ligatures: none;”> </span>

  • #1717
    Profile photo of lethilananh21

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>I think students can search many useful informations to learn well by using a computer with internet or a smart phone.</p>

    • #1723
      Profile photo of ben18

      I totally agree. However, students should be reminded that not everything they see or read online is reliable. They should be able to distinguish correct information from misleading ones. What do you think?

  • #1718
    Profile photo of ntthuyen

    In my opinion, there are both pros and cons of young people using computers and mobile technology.

    – Pros:

    + Entertainment (music, games, social network)

    + Education (searching for information, materials)

    + Convenience (online shopping, home schooling)

    – Cons:

    + Health problems (bad eyesight, wrist and neck pains)

    + Potential Danger (viruses, spyware, kidnapping)

    • #1721
      Profile photo of ben18

      Hi! In your opinion, how can schools ensure that students are able to maximize the opportunities and minimize the risks that come with the use of technology?

      • #1727
        Profile photo of ntthuyen

        I think students need teachers’ guide to make use of the technology. Schools can set up workshops about the advantages and disadvantages of technology and the children may have chances to learn, to share ideas, experiences and to discuss how to solve the problems.

  • #1719
    Profile photo of vanthoa2011

    <pre id=”tw-target-text” class=”tw-data-text tw-ta tw-text-small” dir=”ltr” style=”unicode-bidi: isolate; border: none; padding: 0px 0.14em 0px 0px; position: relative; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; resize: none; font-family: inherit; overflow: hidden; width: 276px; white-space: pre-wrap; overflow-wrap: break-word; color: #212121; height: 48px; line-height: 24px !important;” data-placeholder=”Bản dịch” data-fulltext=””><span lang=”en”> I think people will be busier in the digital age


  • #1720
    Profile photo of quynhanh

    <span style=”color: #2e2e30; font-family: SourceSansProRegular, Arial, sans-serif; font-variant-ligatures: none;”>While this technology can be an amazing thing to enjoy and use for learning and entertainment, it can also have sometimes unseen effects on your child’s health and development. </span><span style=”color: #2e2e30; font-family: SourceSansProRegular, Arial, sans-serif; font-variant-ligatures: none;”>Your child could develop more than physical problems from too much computer time.</span><span style=”color: #2e2e30; font-family: SourceSansProRegular, Arial, sans-serif; font-variant-ligatures: none;”> </span>

  • #1722
    Profile photo of quynhanh

    <span style=”color: #2e2e30; font-family: SourceSansProRegular, Arial, sans-serif; font-variant-ligatures: none;”>While this technology can be an amazing thing to enjoy and use for learning and entertainment, it can also have sometimes unseen effects on your child’s health and development.</span><span style=”color: #2e2e30; font-family: SourceSansProRegular, Arial, sans-serif; font-variant-ligatures: none;”> </span><span style=”color: #2e2e30; font-family: SourceSansProRegular, Arial, sans-serif; font-variant-ligatures: none;”>Your child could develop more than physical problems from too much computer time. </span>

  • #1724
    Profile photo of vuonganh

    1 / Negative impact:

    – Effects on health:

    Pre-screen time devices are proportional to obesity: Young people spend more time watching television, playing video games, using continuous computer, spending less time exercising, and tending to eat. Snacks, fatty snacks will make the fat accumulate in your body and they will immediately get obesity. Obesity can lead to diseases like depression, depression, diabetes…

    – The influence of thinking:

    Another not so good or even negative impact of technology on children today is the tendency to be impatient. From the availability, the quick search of what a teacher wants a child to know how to use thinking to solve a problem, the child relies on what is available through Internet, children today are actually learning by the method of teaching “Google doctor”; This is not a good thing as children are growing up into adults.

    It takes time for technology devices to take advantage of other activities such as learning, exercising, or team activities to improve social skills.

    In addition, if the Internet abuse in the entertainment, in addition to adversely affect the health of users, the frequent play online games – the type of entertainment attracted a lot of participants, especially the youth lead to Over time, they become addicts who forget their real life, fall into illusion and seek ways to satisfy their addictions, even to perform their acts. Negative, law breaking and criminal offenses.

    – The risk comes from the Internet:

    Children are regular internet users but do not have enough knowledge to prevent internet dangers. Nowadays there are lots of commercials and funny video clips created to entertain the majority of adults, however, kids just “Google” sites are able to come in contact with the pictures. This bad picture. Risk behaviors such as drug use, alcohol abuse, unprotected sex are rampant advertisements on such sites, so a child will think that what they see is good. and normal life, they will imitate and learn to follow while we do not know.

    – Poor social skills:

    Many kids are spending most of their time playing electronic games, watching TV and using social networks like facebook, zalo, viber, … and just like the dialogue alone. So, they only spend very little time to deliver. Continue with your peers or classmates. If a child has poor social skills, he or she will find it very difficult to communicate with people, especially when they are in adulthood, and this can be damaging to their lives in time. long. People who are separated, socially unaccompanied can hardly associate with social life and in many cases they will have feelings of depression, loneliness. When they encounter difficulties they can not receive any help but just think “distressed” leading to the unfortunate consequences.

    2 / Positive effects:

    – Encouraged to create many new initiatives:

    Today’s hi-tech products, such as smart phones, new generation laptops with remarkable features, sources of information, knowledge from Internet technology sites, … always create excitement. The younger generation, our future generations, grasp more and more of the technological strength, which is the foundation for developing the ability, thinking and creativity of children in the learning process. As a result, children are encouraged to create more and better innovations.

    – Learning will be more convenient:

    Technology provides us with tools that they can use to solve a problem, a difficult math problem, and find information related to fast-moving subjects, thus giving them a Strong ability to study independently.

    Technology, especially the Internet, provides a large number of knowledge and children have access to acquire this much information. Computer software, specially designed for learning, can also be a great tool for use in academic development and creativity.

  • #1725
    Profile photo of caophuonganh


    – Enhance communication and availability of information

    – Make file sharing easier

    – Boost storage capacity


    – Pose security difficulties

    – Harm people’s health

    – Cost a lot for related devices (E.g. router)

  • #1726
    Profile photo of quynhanh

    While this technology can be amazing thing to enjoy and use for learning and entertainment, it can also have sometimes unseen effects on your child’s health and development. They could develop more than physical problems from too much computer time

  • #1728
    Profile photo of dieuquynhvaro

    Computer and Mobile technology are the things necessary for  young people in the 21st century. These devices provide them  more opportunity to engage into wider communities.

    Computer and mobile technology bring both negative and possitive effects, the negative effects are young people will spend more time on playing game instead of reading a real book, or they chat with their friends about all thinks around instead of travelling by themselves to  experience the nature.

    but I think we should look to the possitive effects of those devices. Mobile technology give youth a chance to learn whatever they like to at anytime they want to learn.

  • #1729
    Profile photo of phamyennga

    In a way, growing up in an “age of technology” is a double-edged sword. While it has an abundance of advantages, it has just as many, if not more, disadvantages.

  • #1822
    Profile photo of wawansarudi

    <em style=”box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px; font-family: Lato, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; color: #314659;”>Teaching in the 21<span style=”box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 12px; line-height: 0; position: relative; vertical-align: baseline; top: -0.5em; border: 0px; font-family: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-weight: inherit; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; height: 0px; bottom: 1ex;”>st</span> century has become far more challenging. The MT4T is designed precisely to update teachers on mobile technology and its many possible uses in the classrooms.

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