Home Forums SEAMEO INNOTECH “Right Click” Podcast Series Benefits of Digital Technology

  • Benefits of Digital Technology

  • #62009
    Profile photo of floriefe

    Technology nowadays has a great impact to people. We cannot deny the fact that things are done easily because of technology. Technology gives the people the convenience of life. In the education sector, technology made the transfer learning through online possible. As ALS implementers, exploring to these available resources should be maximized for it can produce greater results. with the technology at hand, connection with my learners were made possible despite the crisis brought by covid 19. I have created a more engaged environment of leaning by maximizing the use of online platform. There are great possibilities for all of us, all we need to do is to learn, relearn, unlearn, and explore what could be the best for our learners. Lastly, I am certain that the end point of all efforts exerted is for the betterment of our learners’ lives.

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  • #62017
    Profile photo of jaokulot22

    The birth of technology is indeed very beneficial to all in all walks of life.  There are lots of benefits we can enjoy through the use of digital technology. The the Educational System where we are in, we can easily transfer the learning to our pupils through the help of this technology. Teachers in both public and private schools, handling formal education and the Alternative Learning System could easily access all the necessary inputs they can use for their learners through the help of technology.  On the other hand, the learners, students as well could enjoy the benefits of this digital technology. For the teachers and the learners, they can make their portfolio on line. They call sell their products online. It could be very beneficial for both the teachers and learners in terms of meeting new and old friends through the use of their face book messenger, twitter account and any other platforms using this digital technology. we can easily access to our families whether they are within our reach or even they are out of our country. Digital Technology could make the family, friends reunited and even it could help us find our long lost friends and acquaintances.  In our case, this digital technology could be of great help and it opens an opportunity for us to learn more and explore the world that we believed it could enhance our knowledge and it contribute a lot in our educational growth and eventually it may help us to become aware of the latest trends  in our system.

  • #62020
    Profile photo of lailanieelling

    At 38, i can say dat im a traditional teacher.With all d modern technologies we can use in teaching, none of dem i was able 2 use.(aside frm my android phone) Im teaching in d comunities w/ weak network/intrnet conection. In our CLC, we dont even hav electricity.
    This Training s d oposit of wat my routine as an ALS Teacher.Teaching LS-6 to my lerners wud b a strugle, but i hav accept ds new era in my teaching profession, bcoz this is d reality 2day, wer every1 shud b conected thru social media, etc…This is a challange 4 me on how 2 deliver d competencies/activities in LS-6.
    Truly its very beneficial, if all r equipped & computer-literate esp on d situation d world s having now, ds pandemic.
    I appreciated d speaker in d podcast reminding us to continue learning, 2 b innovative & to explore…

  • #62024
    Profile photo of rowenaacevedo

    No matter what generation a person belongs he /she is now exposed to the use of different technologies. ICT/ Digital Technology has as big impact on people in their every day lives and is affecting people in different ways.

    In this 21st century, only few individuals are not familiar with this new trend . New innovations were invented because of the fast growing technology. Technology gives people an instant and easy access of living.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Profile photo of rowenaacevedo rowenaacevedo.

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