Home Forums SEAMEO INNOTECH “Right Click” Podcast Series Benefits of Digital Technology

  • Benefits of Digital Technology

  • #61833
    Profile photo of enab-chua


    Digital Technology is a tool to provide us many benefits.  These benefits allow us to access information, to keep in touch with our friends and relatives across and beyond the world, solve problems in our day-to-day life experiences, and most especially it makes our lives easier and faster to do multitasking activities.

    As a teacher, we must be resilient and flexible to impart this knowledge to our learners, the benefits of digital technology. It is very important that we know what we are doing.

    Indeed, it makes our life more changing and challenging.

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  • #61838
    Profile photo of lorenapbayona

    In addition to that Maam, today we are so reliant to technology. Our everyday tasks depend largely on technology. It is really a reality that nowadays, technology is a part of our life. As ALS teachers, for us to maximize technology, we should be able to put it to the learning experience design explicitly. We should include it to our learning plan. We should take technology that it has a purpose to our instruction. We can use ICT to enhance the learning experience of our learners.

  • #61846
    Profile photo of vernadrm

    <p class=”MsoNormal”>Truly, digital technology has transformed every aspect of our lives. It impacted how we travel, shop, communicate and do business. As educators, we see its potentials to promote learning among  today’s learners who are digital natives and are so acquainted with it.<span style=”mso-spacerun: yes;”>  We teachers, </span> should equip ourselves with the knowledge on  providing learning opportunities through digital technology because today, digital learning is replacing traditional methods.</p>

  • #61851
    Profile photo of flomarb-viloria

    I agree to both of you Mesdames that Digital Technology has a lot of benefits not only to learners/students now a days but to the general public. Children and adult alike are benefiting from the challenging world of technology as it made everything in life easy. It made our lives more effective and easier to the convenient of everything. In just a click as speedy as a blink of an eye we can have anything and everything we want. However, as ALS teachers our task is to educate our learners on the proper/ethical/appropriate use of technology so that we will enjoy the benefits it gives without or at least limiting the trouble it may cause to everyone.

    Finally, as teachers let us not be satisfied on what we know and what we have because ICT/Technology is an avenue of Life Long Learning.

  • #61853

    <p style=”text-align: center;”>I agree mam to what you said that technology is very helpful to each and everyone of us…but we must also remember that we must be responsible as to what are we going to post or share in social media…as what former miss universe oia wurtzbach said “think before you click”. As a teacher let us also be a guide to our learner’s to be more cautious and careful in posting to different social media platforms..we must also relay that we are govern by law while we are in social media.</p>

  • #61854

    Technology brings us a lot of opportunities but technology can also be used as a weapon to destroy our personality…it is very important that we as implementers incalcate in the minds of our learner’s that technology is here to help us improve our lives not to destroy us.

  • #61869
    Profile photo of gmdabalos

    This podcast episode challenged me to continue exploring educational applications and tools. The digital world is offering us too many choices but it is us teachers who decide which is most appropriate to use in our lessons. I appreciate the examples given by Ma’am Mel Tan and I hope with the use of the forum we can come up with a list of which tools to use for a particular purpose and share with fellow teachers our experiences with these apps and tools. I am inspired with the sharing of Ma’am Tan, to make use of ICT and give value to it in our lessons, that teaching-learning materials should not be limited to a glorified visual aid, but rather materials for creating meaning, better understanding and appreciation of learning through ICT apps/tools. “Explore, explore, explore”.

  • #61874
    Profile photo of rollyortiz

    Digital learning is replacing traditional educational methods more and more each day. With how rapidly classrooms are changing, it is best to forget methods you may remember from when you were in school and start thinking about newer teaching and learning techniques based on digital learning tools and technologies. The inclusion of digital learning in the classrooms can vary from simply using tablets instead of paper to using elaborate software programs and equipment as opposed to the simple pen.
    This could entail using sites, services, programs, teaching tools, and technologies like study aids built for at-home use. Even social networks and communications platforms can be used to create and manage digital assignments and agendas. Irrespective of how much technology is integrated into the classroom, digital learning has come to play a crucial role in education. It empowers students by getting them to be more interested in learning and expanding their horizons.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Profile photo of rollyortiz rollyortiz.
  • #61876
    Profile photo of maryehdawa

    with the current situation that we are facing today, the use of digital technology is a very big help to each and every one of us.  since our modules are printed, we can ask learners to watch videos for them to learn more.  they can also work collaboratively like the one we used to do during face to face. they can be  equipped in using computers and the different applications available in it that they can use in the future.

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