e-Citizenship: An e-Book for Teachers about Cyber Wellness and Digital Citizenship (iOS)
Learning Packets:
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Herd Mentality
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Teenpreneurship (Adapted for ALS)
This lesson is designed to engage learners in a simulated marketplace to give them a balanced perspective of the opportunities as well as the risks of e-commerce, while reflecting on their role in designing future online business ventures that have social impact, too. The teacher's guide provides an annex that offers an alternative activity for self-directed, asynchronous remote learning.
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Internet Addiction (Adapted for ALS)
This lesson attempts to make learners more aware of the reality of internet addiction and the practical ways of preventing it through personal responsibility and self-discipline. The teacher's guide shows the covered learning competencies of the DepEd ALS K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum. The suggested activities have been determined to be possible for self-directed, remote learning. Hence, the lesson and the accompanying slides presentation may be used for ALS delivery without the need for modification.
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Plagiarism and Misinformation (Adapted for ALS)
The part of the lesson on plagiarism is designed to help learners hone their English writing skills to avoid committing plagiarism and contributing to misinformation. Learners are expected to learn to use their research, comprehension, vocabulary and rewriting skills to avoid committing plagiarism and giving out incorrect information in their schoolwork. The second part of the lesson on misinformation builds on an activity where learners are tasked to examine stories online and identify signs that indicate these are fake. All activities in this learning packet are deemed applicable for self-directed, remote learning. Hence, the teacher's guide and the accompanying slides presentation may be used for ALS delivery without the need for modification. The teacher's guide also shows the covered learning competencies of the DepEd ALS K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum.
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Cyberbullying (Tagged for ALS)
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Cybergrooming and Online Exploitation (Tagged for ALS)
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Cyberstalking (Tagged for ALS)
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Exposure to Inappropriate Content (Tagged for ALS)
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Herd Mentality (Tagged for ALS)
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Trolling (Tagged for ALS)
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Being Mobile (Adapted for ALS)
Description :
This lesson is designed to engage learners through game-based learning in an effort to give them a balanced understanding of the opportunities and risks that come with being mobile. The teacher's guide provides a special annex that suggests strategies to adapt the lesson for remote delivery and self-directed learning.
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Cybergrooming and Online Exploitation
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Exposure to Inappropriate Content
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Being Mobile
Age : 14 - 18 years old
Keyword / Theme : screen time management, critical thinking, cyber bullying management, privacy management
Description :
This lesson is designed to engage children and/or young adults through game-based learning in an effort to give them a balanced understanding of the opportunities and risks that come along with being mobile.
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Internet Addiction
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Plagiarism and Misinformation
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