Home Forums SEAMEO INNOTECH “Right Click” Podcast Series Digital Citizenship

  • Digital Citizenship

  • #61834
    Profile photo of lorenapbayona

    As digital immigrants, digital literacy is not just an option nowadays. As it has been said, the online world is the extension of the real world. As teachers of this digital generation, it is a necessity to be equip with knowledge and skills on navigating the digital world. To be called digital citizens, it doesn’t end that we are knowledgeable only in the manipulation of these digital tools. It is important to maximize the opportunities being brought by these digital tools and minimize the threats and risks behind.

  • Author
  • #61836
    Profile photo of enab-chua

    Yes, I agree with you, Ma’am Loren. As teachers, we must be equipped with what is happening in this real world, the world of a digital generation. Let’s continue learning because learning is a continuous process as they say.

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