Home Forums SEAMEO INNOTECH “Right Click” Podcast Series Podcast Episode on “Risks and Threats of Digital Technology”


  • Podcast Episode on “Risks and Threats of Digital Technology”

  • #61773
    Profile photo of SEAMEO INNOTECH

    The resource speaker said, “online violence doesn’t necessarily start online; it may be a continuation of what has happened offline and it continues online.” How do you think you can help prevent your learners from becoming victims of online violence?

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  • #61824
    Profile photo of osias-andus

    Yes, its really true that sometimes violence doesn’t start on-line; it maybe a continuation of what has happened off-line. Being a teacher it is our responsibility to know our learners. The records of prior learning must be properly documented. It is not about educating our learners the proper ways on-line, showcasing of good behavior and giving respect of others opinion but we need also to consider off-line activities. Communication with parents of what is being expected in school and in their respected homes. A collaboration of learner behaviors’ monitoring between the teacher and the parents during on-line (usually happened in school) and off-line (at home) would really help to improve and instill admirable values.

    • #62038
      Profile photo of phinesmacario

      Yes I do agree with what the speaker said<span style=”color: #666666; font-family: Lato, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-align: justify;”>“online violence doesn’t necessarily start online; it may be a continuation of what has happened offline and it continues online.”</span> . We cannot deny the fact, that it is really happening specially if the users  are not aware and properly oriented  on the  use of these modern technologies, much more if they do not know the  on-line etiquette . ALS teachers plays a great role in educating and in  inculcating the minds  of the learners as to prevent this kind of violence from happening. We are indeed grateful for DepEd  in coordination with SEAMEO INNOTECH and UNICEF for launching this kind of program by looking at the demands and  needs of our learners. Guiding them to the right path specially in this time of Pandemic where Digital Technology  is at great risk if not properly handled and guided.

  • #61877
    Profile photo of Mariz

    In order for us to prevent our learners from becoming victims of online violence is through collaboration from the school, the community, and the family. We should teach our learners the proper behaviors on-line such as using respectful language, share with discretion or avoid sending pictures online, choose friends wisely, respect people’s privacy, and check the fact first before reacting or reposting it. Parents must also be informed of these behaviors so they can monitor their children. Leaners should also know the possible consequences of their actions on-line. Community may conduct seminars both for parents and learners about the mentioned topic.

  • #61886
    Profile photo of marvilyn

    It is very rampant nowadays where teenagers are likely involved and some of them are ALS learners. Sad to note that the platform where they should feel secured is a place where they could feel less important and may question themselves. It is also true that violence not necessarily start thru online, sometimes it starts in the real world(offline) and continues to online. In order for us to prevent our learners from being victims of online violence, we must educate them first what and how technology works. Aside from that, it is a hand-in-hand effort in the community where we could combat this online violence thru conducting seminars to parents, LGU, learners and other stakeholders. As a teacher, we should also know the set of learners we have thru the RPL or review of prior learning where it is documented and we should also know how our learners act at home and in the community. We may conduct home visits and may communicate with the parents/guardians. It is also important to instill values and manners in our learners thru our classes (face-to-face or online). Last, as a teacher, we must be the role model of our learners on how to act, what to post and how to use to digital technology.


  • #61935
    Profile photo of jomariec-correo

    As an ALS implementer, I can prevent my learners from being a victim of violence online by educating them on how to properly use the technology. There must be a thorough inculcation on how to prevent or minimize the threats online. I must be very specific on how to give emphasis on the three C’s. The content  wherein it deals with existing materials in the internet. How they are going to use this for their own good. The contact, whom do my learners regularly deal with in their social media account. Lastly, the Conduct, what is their behavior towards the use of technology. By simply monitoring the activities of my learners through the primordial help of their parents, it would be easier for us to prevent them from being a victim of violence online. Parent/guardians played a vital role to ensure the security of their children against this violence. Much more on my part since I am dealing with adult learners, I need to make an interventions to ensure that my leaners are properly guided in using internet to study and to have some leisure. I can also site examples from the internet those people who are victims of violence and let them be familiarized with the different tips on how to avoid red tagging and scamming online. In general, the collaborative efforts of the family, teacher and community are the very main sources of how this issue on online violence shall be addressed and be prevented.

  • #61945

    As one of the ALS implementers, I can prevent ALS learners from becoming victims of online violence by giving them awareness on the online world, You as a teacher explain to the learners the do’s and dont’s. They maybe deceived by those scammers offering money in exchange of something,explain to them that easy money will make you a victim. Discussed to them also to distinguished the quality of information and do not let them assume that everything they see online is correct. We also have RPL for our learners it’s not only the skills that we discover from our learners but we also discover his/her previous work and experience from then we can learn our learners. As ALS teacher also home visitation is very much important to let us see the real situation. Instill to the learners to be responsible of what they are posted and say online, by doing so,good values and respect for others is important.

  • #61965
    Profile photo of gigi

    It is true that digital technology opens both opportunities, risks and threats. We should ensure that our learners in the Alternative Learning System will be guided on the used of digital technology to prevent violence. We should work hand in hand to inculcate to them the so called digital etiquette in order for them to be aware of all the risk and threats that they are facing in the digital world.

  • #61989
    Profile photo of jasper

    There is risks and threats in digital technology that is why we need to protect our learners. We can only do this if we will teach them how to manage these things and encourage also the parents and guardians to guide their learners in the digital world. If we fail to do this then they might fall into digital addiction, cyber-bullying or scam.

  • #61992
    Profile photo of emilrriodil

    To prevent the said scenario, what I think I can do is to talk to them sincerely. Inform them the pros and cons of using SocMed. Mention to them that even in the internet, enemies are present especially if they want to convey anything that could hurt anybody reading the post.

    Lastly, tell them that online world is an extension of the real world. What they don’t want in real life must not also be wanted over the internet. If they don’t want to have enemies for real, they must not do any to have enemies even over the net.


  • #62012
    Profile photo of jeff

    Violence is anywhere and the best way to prevent our learners to be a victim on it is to educate them to be responsible with their actions and decisions in life. The learning packets that we have plays a vital role to keep them safe from being a victim online and offline. We must teach them the pros and cons and the right thing to do in interacting in digital world.

  • #62029
    Profile photo of jaokulot22

    It can not be denied that digital technology nowadays is really a part of our system.  Both young and old are engross of this technology.  We know for the fact that with the birth of this technology it made our office work easy, we can make acquaintances to people near and abroad and for the educators, it made them easy to facilitate the learning process. But despite of this, there are still risks and threats on it.  For the children, it is very risky on their part if we will just let them manipulate the gadgets on their own. The games that they are manipulating might be harmful to them. Even to the Young adults, there is always a need for them to be guided it is because there are lots of applications in the gadgets that would somehow if the users were not well guided it may give them wrong informations or it will lead them to distructions. Like for example, for the Junior High School, manipulating such computer and eventually there were times that phornographic videos are within their reach there is a possibility for them to be tempted to open such video apps. Moreover, if not well guided, it will become a habit for them, not only with the young adults there is still an opportunity for the children to be addicted on this activities.  To some it up, once if we adults, be it teachers or parents alike if we are not concerned of this, this might mislead our children, and our learners. So we need to think a million times before we click.

  • #62034
    Profile photo of maryannbarmm

    Yes,  it is true that online violence is sometimes  a continuation of an offline situation.   And perpetrator knows the victim personally.  Their personal misunderstanding or grudges are brought into the limelight of social media to gain support from others and worse,  to humiliate the victim.

    As a teacher,  our role is to teach our learners the value of responsibility  and respect. They must be responsible  in everything  they do,  every actions they take, every decisions they make and every words they speak that might hurt or affect others and take full responsibility  in its consequences.   Being responsible includes being or saying sorry if you have done wrong,  making amends with those you hurt and always settle grudges in the best possible way and the earliest time possible. So thus is respect,  they must learn to respect everyone, whoever it may be,  young or old,  rich or poor,  a friend or stranger.   In that way, online violence  can be prevented if they are at peace with everyone.
    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Little misunderstandings offline can spread like wildfire if brought in the online realm,  because a lot of people will hitch into the issue, and in a matter of minutes you can be victim of online violence. That is why we need to teach our learners to be responsible  and respectful. The digital world is the most dangerous  place for irreponsible people.</p>

  • #62035
    Profile photo of ellafrancisco

    As a teacher we should be the one to impose what would be the risks of using technology in their lives and so have orientation. we should teach them to have respect respects either online or offline. Also, as a teacher we should address what problems to attend to. if you are able to determine the right problem then you can easily generate steps on solving it.

  • #62037
    Profile photo of shielasionosa

    Online violence is a serious problem in the society and everybody can be a victim on this. So we must fight against this serious problem for the benefit of the society by being aware of our every action online. We must learn to weigh every wordsl or action before we post it online. We must think before we post and be sure that we cannot harm or hurt anyone. We must also educate our learners the proper etiquette in using digital technology and ask their parents or guardians to look and guide them in accessing online platforms. By doing such things, we can help reduce online violence in our society.

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