MPPE Review full report now available on the INNOTECH website
The full report of “A Review of the Current Situation and Practices of Multigrade Schools in the Philippines” conducted by SEAMEO INNOTECH, Philippine Department of Education, and UNICEF is now available at the INNOTECH website. The program review aims to provide an evidence-based resource on the current situation of multigrade education in the country—a crucial information for policy formulation to improve the implementation of the program.
(Related article: DepEd endorses wider dissemination of INNOTECH Multigrade Program Review and M&E System)
As a component of the Technical Assistance project to the Multigrade Program in Philippine Education (MPPE), the review provides an overall look on the status of the implementation of MPPE. It aims to assess how well the program was implemented, identify factors that contribute and hinder in achieving the MPPE goals, describe the contribution of the program to student learning and school quality, and examine the role of the program in improving access to quality education in disadvantaged communities.
Through documentary analysis, comparative analysis, case studies, national survey, and focus group discussions, the review shows that the MPPE implementation was generally compliant with existing standards and policies. It has also identified innovative instructional strategies, authentic assessments, parental and community engagement, strong commitment of multigrade teachers, and enabling school leadership as contributing factors. While inadequate instructional support from school heads and supervisors, issues concerning multiple roles assigned to multigrade teachers, and the absence of a responsive monitoring and evaluation system specific for multigrade implementation were identified as hindering factors.
The program review also found out that the multigrade program was a practical solution to address barriers to education such as access and inclusion. It was seen as a reasonable learning delivery, especially in remote, isolated, low-resourced, and underserved communities.
(Related article: Review of the Multigrade Program in the Philippines)
Aside from the review results, the full report of the project also includes case studies of the multigrade schools, survey instruments, guide interview and discussion questions, and policy and program implementation recommendations.
You may access the “A Review of the Current Situation and Practices of Multigrade Schools in the Philippines” full report through the iKNOW portal.