MOOC Teach On re-run starts August 2019
SEAMEO INNOTECH is re-running its Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), Teach On: Keeping the Passion Alive, starting this 22 August 2019. Enrollment is now open!
Teach On aims to inspire, rekindle and sustain teachers’ passion for teaching. It is primarily for teachers, but anyone who is interested can also join the course. Successful course completers will get an international certificate of participation, subject to completion of pre-identified requirements and validation. The course is also equivalent to 15 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) units.
Teach On is still offered for free! Share this information to your students, teachers or colleagues who may be interested. You may also visit the Teach On Facebook page for more information. A detailed guide on how to enroll is available at http://bit.ly/teachonenroll.