Leading and Managing an Integrated ECCD Program batch 2
SEAMEO INNOTECH conducted the second batch of the Leading and Managing an Integrated Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Program last 8-12 August 2016 in Davao City. The said program is a three-phased program which aims to strengthen the competencies of City/Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officers (C/MSWDOs) to effectively lead and manage the Child Development Centers in the Philippines.
(Related article: SEAMEO INNOTECH conducts capacity building for ECCD)
Phase 1 of the program, a five-day face-to-face learning component of the program, has been successfully conducted recently. This phase is designed to enable the participants to take a closer look at the current delivery system of ECCD and broaden their understanding of the ECCD environment.
At the end of the five-day program, participants were able to develop their Re-entry Strategic Action Planning (RSAP). The plans will be implemented immediately after Phase 1 as part of Phase 2, a two-month online component of the program. To monitor their progress, participants will report their implementation through the SEAMEO INNOTECH Flexible Learning Management System (iFLEX), the Center’s platform for flexible and blended learning courses. There will also be assigned Flexible Learning Tutors who will guide the participants as they go through Phase 2.
Phase 3 of the program, a three-day integration session, is targeted to happen on October this year, after the completion of their strategic plans.