INNOTECH turns over ALS M&E operations handbook to DepEd, launches capacity building program for ALS implementers
Under the USAID-funded project, Opportunity 2.0: Second-Chance Opportunities for Out-of-School Youth, SEAMEO INNOTECH teamed up with the Education Development Cooperation (EDC) to develop a Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Operations Handbook for the Alternative Learning System (ALS) and a Capacity Building program for ALS implementers. These were launched on 12 January 2022 in a Zoom event which was also streamed through the Opportunity 2.0 Facebook page.
“We believe that these are very timely initiatives that will help strengthen and improve the implementation of the ALS 2.0 program,” said Dr. Ramon C. Bacani, Center Director of SEAMEO INNOTECH, in his opening message. The M&E Operations Handbook and the Capacity Building Program will be a good support for the newly established Bureau of Alternative Education (BAE). While the Capacity Building Program is only for the Opportunity 2.0 project areas for now, this could also provide support for the rest of the country in the long run.
The M&E Operations Handbook and the Capacity Building Program are the contributions of INNOTECH in strengthening the delivery of ALS programs in the country. INNOTECH has had a long history of providing assistance to ALS throughout the years. For the Opportunity 2.0 project, the Center’s efforts focus on building the capacities of ALS implementers and providing technical assistance to the ALS Task Force.
The ALS M&E System
A Technical Working Group (TWG) on Monitoring & Evaluation was created in June 2021 signaling the start of the development of the M&E system. The TWG, consisting of officers and staff from different DepEd levels, underwent a series of training workshops to develop the ALS M&E Framework.
Mr. Roderick Corpuz, Supervising Education Program Specialist of BAE, shared the process and their experience in developing the M&E System. Through the workshops conducted, the team was able to craft the ALS M&E framework per governance level, M&E logical framework per governance level, ALS M&E system and processes, list of existing ALS M&E tools and techniques, and the ALS M&E roles and responsibilities. This year, the team will be developing capacity support materials such as the training design, PowerPoint deck, and the LAC session guide. The M&E System will also be piloted this year. It will be an opportunity to further enrich and refine the system.
The ALS 2.0 M&E Operations Handbook may be downloaded here: https://bit.ly/ALSMEhandbook
Capacity Building Program for ALS Implementers
The ALS 2.0 Program is a series of self-paced online programs addressing key competencies, such as Curriculum and Planning, Content Knowledge and Pedagogy, Assessment and Reporting, Diversity of Learners, Learning Environment, Community Linkages and Professional Engagement, and Personal Growth and Professional Development. The content of the program is based on the learning needs assessment conducted in 2021.
Universities from Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao forged an alliance to develop a program that will shape ALS implementers to be a better version of themselves.
Course 1: Developing ALS 2.0 Learners, which will start this January 17 to March 30, aims to equip teachers with a thorough understanding of ALS learners and foster use of innovative pedagogical approaches to promote 21st century skills. Course 2: Facilitating ALS 2.0 Teaching and Learning is a course that will retool and reskill ALS teachers and leaders. This will deepen their knowledge and understanding about the ALS curriculum and enhance their competencies in different teaching strategies and relevant assessment anchored on adult learning methodologies. Course 3: ALS Delivery and Management aims to equip teachers with the tools and skills needed to better facilitate the whole ALS program.
The capacity building program co-designed and co-developed by the Miriam College, West Visayas State University, and the University of Southeastern Philippines, is a great opportunity for ALS implementers to enhance their competencies in facilitating ALS. Upon completing the program, the ALS implementers will be awarded with a joint graduate diploma on ALS, which is equivalent to 18 academic credits.
The online event was also attended by Dr. David Hall, Chief of Party of USAID’s Opportunity 2.0 Program, Dr. Yvette Malcioln, Deputy Director of USAID Philippines’ Office of Education, ASec. G.H. Ambat, Assistance Secretary for ALS of the Philippine Department of Education (DepEd), and Dr. Marilette Almayda, Director of the Bureau of Alternative Education of DepEd. Representatives from the Miriam College, West Visayas State University, and the University of Southeastern Philippines were also present in the event.
SEAMEO INNOTECH is proud to have contributed to the continues improvement of alternative education in the country. Together, we move forward and onward to strengthen the education system of the country and provide better opportunities for all learners.
Watch the replay of the online event here: