INNOTECH to conduct teacher’s forum in celebration of National Teacher’s Month and World Teacher’s Day
“No matter how much teachers learn during pre-service preparation, learning teaching inevitably occurs on the job. No one learns to teach in a year.” – Sharon Feiman-Nemser
In celebration of the National Teacher’s Month and World Teacher’s Day, SEAMEO INNOTECH will conduct a forum entitled “Celebrating the Teacher in Us: Journeying as Teaching, Teaching as Journeying” on 30 September 2015 at the Pearl Hall, SEAMEO INNOTECH Quezon City, Philippines.
This half-day forum will be a venue for appreciating and affirming the teaching profession, and recognizing that the journey of a teacher is a great work in progress. Learning to recognize and understand the particular development stages of teaching is helpful for the teachers themselves, their colleagues, and mentors to be able to adapt to their different needs and requirements. This will also enable them to nurture and sustain their passion for teaching.
Metrobank Foundation Outstanding Teacher Awardees will be sharing their personal journeys and significant experiences. Their sharing will serve as trigger points for further discussion among the participants through a semi-structured open dialogue.
This forum is organized in partnership with Metrobank Foundation, Inc. and Network of Outstanding Teachers and Educators (NOTED).
The publication Passion for Teaching can be downloaded for free on the SEAMEO INNOTECH iKnow portal.