INNOTECH staff plans for better knowledge and research dissemination
Representative staff and partners from the different offices of SEAMEO INNOTECH gathered on 3 June 2016 for a one-day workshop to discuss plans on disseminating the Center’s knowledge and research products. The workshop was jointly facilitated by the Educational Research Unit in collaboration with the Information Management Unit.
The workshop aims to develop a more strategic research dissemination plan for the knowledge and research products of the Center. As one of the issues identified during the last governing board meeting, the Center gives high importance to increasing the reach of its products as well as measuring its impact to its stakeholders. The workshop was done just in time as the Center transitions to its 9th five-year development plan, where one strategic goal is to increase the regional reach, client focus and visibility. This workshop is one of the Center’s initiatives to reach this goal.
A follow up workshop is set to happen in August 2016.