INNOTECH reports outcome of Spanish language program assessment
SEAMEO INNOTECH partnered with the Department of Education and the Embassy of Spain in Manila for the assessment of the Special Program in Spanish Language implemented in public secondary schools in the Philippines. Forty-seven schools out of 72 were visited from August to December 2013.
The assessment focused on four domains, which included (1) organization and management, to determine how the school management leads and supports program implementation; (2) curriculum assessment, to look at the curriculum design; (3) teaching and learning, to determine the interaction between and among teacher, students, and instructional materials; and (4) community participation and support, to see how the community supports the program and to determine ways to improve school-community partnership.
The assessment revealed that there is clear evidence of students increasing their Spanish language proficiency as a result of participating in the program. The teachers have shown exceptional level of motivation and commitment. However, there is a need to review and revise all program elements to ensure alignment with the competencies and standards of the new K to 12 language curriculum.
SEAMEO INNOTECH presented the result of the assessment to the Embassy of Spain in Manila and to DepEd in January 2014 and February 2014, respectively. The final report was drafted based on comments and suggestions gathered from both meetings.