INNOTECH renews partnership with KEEP

SEAMEO INNOTECH renewed its institutional partnership with the Knowledge and Education Exchange Platform (KEEP) after two successful years of implementing the Center’s Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) in the platform. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed by SEAMEO INNOTECH Director Ramon C. Bacani and KEEP Principal Investigator Prof. Irwin King on 10 July 2019 in the Center for E-Learning Innovations and Technology (ELITE) of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).

Along with the signing of the MOU, the two institutions also had the chance to celebrate the success of the Center’s MOOC, Igniting Passion for Teaching and Teach On: Keeping the Passion Alive, which gathered more than 4,000 learners. Ms. Joan Atienza, Senior Associate of INNOTECH’s Instructional Design and Development Unit, shared that the two MOOC gathered more learners than expected. “We had very good feedback on both courses that we had already run. On the scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest, the overall impression is 4.8, and that’s very high in both courses. And 99% of the learners said that they would recommend the courses to others,” she said.

Prof. King gladly shared that due to the success of Teach On, the course is used as a showcase course of KEEP. Mr. Bo Zhu, Project Manager of KEEP, encouraged INNOTECH to continuously use KEEP for its upcoming MOOC programs.

The renewed partnership will strengthen the collaboration between the two institution in terms of implementing online courses. Also present in the meeting were Mr. Antonio Cheung, KEEP Learning Designer, Ms. Cora Chan, KEEP Coordinator, and Mr. Rolan Mallare, Senior Officer of INNOTECH’s System Management Unit.

KEEP is an open platform that allows integration of online courses, as well as creation of courses using Moodle or Open edX. Along with KEEP and CUHK, INNOTECH hopes to continuously implement courses that will impact learners and educators throughout the region and beyond.

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