INNOTECH partners with NEAP for professional development programs
More than a thousand Filipino school heads received scholarship to different INNOTECH learning programs through the sponsorship of the National Educators’ Academy of the Philippines (NEAP). Selected participants are now enrolled in INNOTECH courses on Strategic Thinking and Innovation (STI) and are expected to finish their courses this December and in January 2023.
The partnership with NEAP aims to deliver INNOTECH learning programs to more Filipino teachers and school heads. The Phase 1 of the partnership was implemented from February to June 2022. A total of 5,025 teachers and school heads were provided with scholarships to GURO21, TEACHeXCELS, LEADeXCELS, HEALTHeXCELS, PEACeXCELS, and SUPEReXCELS.
For the Phase 2 of the partnership, NEAP is focusing the scholarship to school heads. A total of 4,800 school heads will be enrolled to INNOTECH’s courses on STI. The first cycle of the implementation is already ongoing with 1,029 learners for STI Course 1 (Essentials of Strategic Thinking and Innovation) and 287 learners for STI Course 2 (Charting an Innovative School Strategy). STI Course 1 is expected to conclude this December, while STI Course 2 is expected to end in January 2023.
Course completers of these professional development programs will receive an International Certificate of Competence. Partner universities and colleges of INNOTECH may also provide equivalent academic units to enrolled graduate or post-graduate students.
Know more about the different SEAMEO INNOTECH learning programs through our website. For further inquiries, you may direct your concerns to our Helpdesk system.