INNOTECH participated in ICEME 2016
SEAMEO INNOTECH partnered with the Philippine Educational Measurement and Evaluation Association, Inc. (PEMEA) for the 3rd International Conference on Educational Measurement and Evaluation (ICEME 2016), held 21-24 September 2016 at the New World Manila Bay Hotel, Philippines. The said conference was themed Strengthening the Role of Assessment for Educational Program Transformation and Internationalization.
SEAMEO INNOTECH Director, Dr. Ramon C. Bacani, delivered the opening remarks for the conference. Two representatives from the SEAMEO Secretariat, Bangkok were also invited as panelists for the 1st plenary session. Dr. Ethel Agnes Valenzuela, SEAMES Deputy Director for Programme and Development, and Dr. Asmah Ahmad, Programme Officer II (Evaluation), discussed about the Primary Learning Metrics in Southeast Asia.
The 3rd International Conference on Educational Measurement and Evaluation (ICEME 2016) aims for teacher educators, basic education teachers, researchers, academics, test personnel and other education and evaluation stakeholders to: (1) acquire updates on recent developments in assessing educational programs in the global community; (2) engage in a discussion on the contemporary approaches in evaluating educational programs for transformation and internationalization; (3) share best findings and practices related to measurement, assessment, and evaluation of educational programs; and (4) establish linkages with professionals in the field of measurement and evaluation worldwide.
PEMEA is a professional organization of educators, researchers, teachers, and assessment, measurement, testing, and evaluation practitioners.