INNOTECH online courses are now NEAP-recognized PD programs
SEAMEO INNOTECH has been recognized as an Authorized Learning Service Provider of the National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) in October 2020. Following this accreditation, 9 learning programs of the Center are now NEAP-recognized Professional Development Programs. These are GURO21 Course 1, GURO21 Course 2, TEACHeXCELS, HEALTHeXCELS, LEADeXCELS, PEACeXCELS, SUPEReXCELS, Teach On: Keeping the Passion Alive, and Becoming A Better Teacher Everyday.
In 2019, the Philippine Department of Education (DepEd) reformed the National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) to be the focal agency for the training and development of teachers and school heads. The reform includes aligning professional development and training activities to the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) and similar standards for school leadership, specifically for school heads (PPSSH) and supervisors (PPSS). All professional development programs for teachers and school leaders shall be aligned with the Teacher Introduction Program (for new teachers), career progression programs, and special programs. DepEd Order No. 11, s. 2019 also mentioned that NEAP’s transformation “is expected to streamline professional development, make training activities programmatic and accountable, effectively link professional development with career progression, generate efficient use of resources, and ultimately realize NEAP’s mandate of providing the learning and development needs of the increasing number of teachers and school leaders.”
To ensure the alignment of programs to NEAP’s Professional Development Framework, a recognition process was put in place. The following INNOTECH courses have been evaluated and recognized by DepEd NEAP:
- GURO21 Course 1 – a competency-based, multi-modal learning course designed to enhance the capabilities of Southeast Asian teachers in addressing the teaching-learning requirements of the 21st century. Course 1 aims to enhance teachers’ facilitating skills to effectively play their role as learning leaders of the 21st century in a knowledge-based economy.
- GURO21 Course 2 – this competency-based, multi-modal learning course aims to equip classroom teachers with the tools needed for learner-centered teaching to increase student motivation and achievement.
- TEACHeXCELS – a two-module flexible short course designed for supervisors and school principals. It addresses the need to develop and strengthen the capacity to manage the teaching and learning processes in the school.
- HEALTHeXCELS – equips the participants to improve their school as a healthy setting conducive to learning by effectively managing and implementing school-based health programs.
- LEADeXCELS – an online course intended to equip school leaders with the competencies needed in performing their roles in school disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM).
- PEACeXCELS – an online course intended to equip the participants in promoting and exercising a culture of peace and respect for cultural diversity.
- SUPEReXCELS – enhances a School Head and/or Supervisor’s competencies in giving technical assistance and providing instructional supervision to their teachers by applying developmental, clinical, and differentiated supervision techniques.
- Teach On: Keeping the Passion Alive – a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) which aims to inspire, rekindle, and sustain teachers’ passion for teaching.
- Becoming A Better Teacher Everyday – a MOOC focused on introducing the Southeast Asian Teacher Competency Framework (SEA-TCF), giving teachers a deeper understanding of their education context, competencies, and individual development.
The GURO21 and eXCELS flexible learning courses, which utilize Moodle as course management system, are being implemented in collaboration with DepEd and selected partner Teacher Education Institutions. On the other hand, the two MOOC programs are managed using a digital learning platform developed by the KEEP Project of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
The accreditation of INNOTECH as a Learning Service Provider is valid for three years. During this period, the Center will work towards the accreditation of all its learning programs for teachers and school heads.
For interested learners, you may refer to the DepEd Memorandum 082 series of 2020 for the Guidelines on the Registration of Teachers and School Leaders for NEAP-Recognized Professional Development Programs and Courses.