SEAMEO INNOTECH joins the Philippine Institute for Development Studies in observing the “Development Policy Research Month” this September. The annual celebration took effect through Presidential Proclamation No. 247 signed in September 2002. Now on its 11th year, the DPRM seeks to raise awareness and promote the value of policy research as an important tool in the formulation of national plans, programs, and policies.
This year, the DPRM will focus on the theme “Making Health More Inclusive in a Growing Economy” to call attention to the continuing inequities in health financing and health services delivery in the country. The Philippine Institute for Development Studies, tasked to lead the annual celebration, hopes that the various studies to be presented and activities lined up for this month will provide the appropriate base and support needed to re-evaluate the health situation in the Philippines.
For more details about the DPRM and events lined up for this month, log on to http://dprm.pids.gov.ph/
Strengthening competencies in managing effective school health programs
Meanwhile, SEAMEO INNOTECH is expected to launch next year a flexible learning short course designed to strengthen the competency of Southeast Asian school heads to manage effective school health programs.
The “Health Management Excellence for Southeast Asian School Heads” or HEALTHeXCELS, will be the latest addition in a suite of flexible learning courses developed and implemented by SEAMEO INNOTECH. The course corresponds to the sub-competency “promote primary health care” identified in the validated Competency Framework for Southeast Asian School Heads.
Similar with the other eXCELS courses, HEALTHeXCELS will be comprised of two learning modules which will be delivered in several modalities—print, CD and web-based versions. Currently, the modules have undergone several revisions and are now being reviewed by education experts of SEAMEO INNOTECH and content experts of the German Development Cooperation—the Center’s partner in developing HEALTHeXCELS.